It'll Be Fun, I Think

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After last night, it was hard to fall asleep. All I could think about was him. He was consuming all of my thoughts. It was bad that I felt the need to arrive to school without him.

I sat in my empty classroom dozing off into space.
Daoming Si..that boy. He's definitely going to give me a nasty cut with all this..emotion I'm feeling toward him.

I slowly leaned my head on my white desk and lied there feeling my eyelids heavy. And I almost did sleep with how tired I was. But when I heard someone enter the room I sat up straight, luckily it was just a group of friends walking in.

The class later filled up and we were onto another project. But this time we had to see if we could get internships in certain companies. I knew this wasn't going to be hard for me at least. I read some articles this morning that asked about whether I'd take in my moms clothing line or not. But that was still yet to be decided.

I couldn't think about that. Not right now. Right now the best thing to do was to just focus on school and not get mixed with the paparazzi or other things.

When the bell rang signaling is it was lunch time I decided to leave my backpack in my locker before going to the cafeteria.

I put my hands in my leather jacket pockets, lazily walking but the sound of shoes squeaking against the shining floor made me cringe.


I looked back unable to react as I thrown on the ground with Shancai, Li Zhen and Quinghe tackling me into a hug. I gasped as they held me tightly,"We missed you!"

"Are you okay? I was worried sick about you"

"Don't ever leave us again"

I gasped again for air shaking my head,"Guys.Air." Once they got the hint they let me go while also helping me back on my feet. I stood up straight dusting off the unseen dust but smiled at them, happy to see them,"I missed you guys too."

"Not as much as us!" Quinghe playfully snapped. I shook my head chuckling.

"Come on let's go to lunch. Just like before" Shancai suggested hooking my arm with hers.

I nodded gesturing up ahead,"Alright let's go."

The four of us walked into the cafeteria as I waited for them, knowing I wasn't in the mood to eat. I patiently waited as I felt my phone vibrate.

I was about to check it but suddenly I felt Shancai's arm hanging over my shoulders. I looked up with the three smiling,"let's go"

"Wait" Li Zhen stooped me, I frowned as she pointed over a certain direction,"It's Daoming Si. He's staring at you."

I looked over at him seeing as he seemed to be waiting for me with Ximen and Mi Zou. Dang, I would go with him, but I don't want to leave my friends. I did say I was going to eat with them.

"Go on, well go and eat" Shancai assured.

I shook my head,"I said I would eat with you guy—"

"Shush! it's fine Kiara" Li Zhen interrupted me with a giggle as she gently pushed me toward his table.

"Kiara Wait—Hey!" Quinghe began but Ximen and Mi Zou took him with the girls as Daoming Si began to walk towards me.

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