I Do Miss Him

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After Daoming Si had left the fountain area, I rushed down to the fountain and jumped in, ignoring the cold water that bit at my skin.

I touched every part of the water I could to see if I could feel the necklace but I couldn't find it, and I was beginning to feel hopeless.

"Kiara what are you doing? Get out of the water!"


I looked up relieved,"Lei can you help me find something? Please, it means a lot to me!" I yelled.

"Even if it has a lot of value you probably won't find it!" He yelled back.

No, don't say that. Please don't let that be true.

I continued to search through the water, letting out a frustrated mini scream.

"Kiara? What does it look like?" Lei questioned as he now was in the water with me.

I breathed in and out,"Its a necklace. Please Lei, help me find it" I begged.

He nodded, and began to search. I furiously wiped my eyes dry, and hurried on searching before it became any later.

Where could he have thrown it? Why did he do it? Was he that desperate to get rid of what we had?

"Kiara I found it"

My instantly looked over at him, feeling relief wash all over me. I stumbled slightly while standing up. I made my way over to him, kicking the water with my feet. I grabbed a hold of the necklace and brought it to my chest.

I closed my eyes thanking the heavens that Lei found it.

"come on let's get you inside" he gestured.

I nodded, weakly. I followed him out of the fountain as we walked side by side in silence.


After Lei grabbed my things from the library, we both arrived at my house, soon going straight to one of my livings room that had a fire place to keep us warm. I stared at the orange and yellow colors that turned the wood black, unable to keep my eyes off of it.

"It's finally over between him and I. He wants nothing to do with me as we're now complete strangers" I told Lei who had remained silent.

My fingers fiddled with the necklace, locking it in my palm securely.

"What about you?" He asked.

I let out a small sigh,"I thought that doing this was me saving everyone, including myself from destruction but now..I feel like I'm in the middle of it all over again."

This was because of Daoming Si's mom, But also because of me. If only I didn't give in to her and her stupid power she has over everyone.

I smiled sadly shaking my head as the longer I stared at the fire I imagined Si popping up beside me and wrapping his arms around me like a blanket would,"I miss the way my fingers could glide through his jet black hair, his lips when he kissed me, it made me feel like I was a little kid again, experiencing things at a whole new level, and the way his voice sounded, made me smile, laugh, cry, and scream in anger and I wouldn't change a single thing" I muttered at the end.

I can't believe I'm saying this but he was like my personal..sanctuary.

"I told Si I would try and date you" Lei blurted out suddenly.

I widened my eyes, finally taking my eyes off the fire and looked at him,"You..did what?" I asked speechless.

"I did it so that you both can see you both really love each other and stop with the excuses" he explained,"But I can see it and you said it yourself, you miss him, your not denying it, but what's stopping you is Si's stubbornness."

Si's stubbornness?

"Si still loves you Kiara. He just won't admit it, I hate to do this to him but if we both get together and act like we're dating, it'll push him to his limit and finally confess"

Who was this new Lei, and where was the I don't bother into other people's business Lei?

"I don't know Lei. I'm convinced Si wants nothing to do with me" I sighed feeling sad again.

"It'll work Kiara I promise, but we just can't let anyone know about this. Okay?"

Gee, am I even ready for this plan?

"What about his mom?"

"We'll figure that together" he assured.

He really was determined to do this plan. I breathed out through my nose nodding. I turned to him fully and extended my pinky for him to lock his with mine,"Okay let's do this."

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