Remember This

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The news was out, Mrs.Daoming gave up on Xiaozi's marriage with Si. I was thankful that Si was finally going to eat. I have no idea who to thank. All I know is that Lei and Xiaozi contacted me telling me that she stopped the wedding from happened.

I wasn't there for when it happened but I didn't need to be. I was at ease just hearing it from someone else.

Right now I was walking through my now empty mansion. Where all the furniture I had was completely gone. My clothes, makeup, all of my personal things were already sitting at my bought mansion in Singapore.

"You sure your willing to move back?" Jungkook questioned, as we walked side by side, in this now extremely large room that was once my bedroom, where I cried, expressed my anger, and laughed.

I thought carefully on my choice of words, not wanting to sound like I was forcing myself to move back,"Ever since my mom died I left Singapore and I've been avoiding it like it was the plaque. I've seen all these different countries and I still have much more to see. China has taught me that I can't be running away anymore. I need to go home, it's time."

"Jia would be proud, Kiara" he said with a smile in his voice. He then began to walk towards the door but my voice stopped him,"Call me Mei, Jungkook."

"It's my Chinese name" I explained to him,"I kinda miss that no ones been saying my Chinese name. I'd like it if someone said it at least."

He chuckled,"Got it..Mei" he paused for a second. I laughed waving him off as he left the room.

When hearing the door close, I couldn't help but look around. Gee, I'm already done with my second semester at Midge University. Who knew I'd only be here for a full year? I honestly thought I'd last longer than that.

I sighed clasping my hands together,"Hopefully I stay in Singapore longer."

I slowly walked out and walked down the long stairs where I could instantly hear chatting amongst my staff. I followed their voices, curious to see what they were doing. My ears led me into my grand backyard where my staff were bidding each other goodbye as they blew each other kisses or gave them direct kiss on the cheek.

I smiled turning my eyes to my right seeing a group of maids and Mrs.Choa with Mr.Wang crying together. I laughed half hearted and made my way over to them,"Wow Mrs.Choa, my very mean worker is crying?" I playfully teased.

Mrs.Choa quickly wiped her tears and gave me a stern look,"N—No! Mr.Wang told me a very funny joke that brought me to tears."

I tilted my head giving her a look that caused her to break down again,"Miss Huang we'll miss everyone" she sobbed.

"We all will miss you Miss Huang!"

I chuckled with tears wanting to come down,"But why are you all going to miss me? Wasn't I just a trouble maker to you all?"

"Miss Huang, you have brought us with you to every single city and country. We have always had by each other's side" a maid sniffed her nose.

"You may have been a trouble maker but we have been by your side for so long."

"It still feels strange we will no longer be with you" one of my chiefs admitted.

That was right. After telling them I was going back to Singapore, most of them decided they would stay in China and work for another heir. I didn't mind. It was their choice, the only ones who would be amongst my side would be my body guards, Mrs.Choa, and Mr.Wang. yet they still cried.

"I hope the heir you all deal with won't give you guys a hard time" I truthfully told them.

"We'll be more strict" the maid raised her fist up playfully, causing the others to laugh at her amused.

"Kiara" Jungkook said, coming to my side. I turned to him as he gave me a small smile,"We should be going."

I guess it was time to finally leave.

I turned to Mr.Wang, Mrs.Choa, and my security guards,"I will see you all in Singapore soon." They nodded as all of my staff members bowed in a ninety degree angle, leaving me surprised.

"Thank you Miss Huang, May your life and soul be blessed" they all said at the same fine. I put my hand to my chest awed by the one last grand gesture. A tear managed to roll down my cheek. I quickly wiped it and cleared my throat,"I wish you all the best of luck" I told them,"Goodbye."


Jungkook and I drove to the airport. While he was talking about what was going on in his life in South Korea my mind wondered back to my friends.

The sad part was that I hadn't told any of them that I was leaving. I called the school and already enrolled out of it. But with Shancai, Li Zhen, and Quinghe, I wrote them letters, including Lei. I wrote them that I was very sorry about how I wasn't the best person towards them and that they could hopefully forgive me. I complimented them on the things I found amazing about them saying how I wish we could meet again in the future, telling them that I was leaving China. Not for good, I knew that for sure. But going back to Singapore was a must.

But for last and not least, I didn't write anything out to Si. Instead I sent him a voice message. Saying—

I heard that your health is going back to normal. I'm happy, thank you for taking care of yourself. I know I sound dumb saying this so I will just get straight to the point. I wanna thank you Si, for loving me. For loving me with all of your heart. I didn't think it was possible for someone to feel that way about again til I met you. Meeting you was the best mistake I ever made. Because without meeting you I wouldn't have realized what a great guy you were. And well..Your probably wondering why I'm telling you all of this..I'm—I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving China. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you in person. I didn't think it was even possible to do so. I never wanted to end things like this. But I have to do this. So I could convince your mom to at least give you the freedom to choose if I backed off. Daoming Si, I mean it, please don't make stupid decisions. Cause if you do, karma will get back at you, I learned that the hard way. So please cherish every moment you experience, for my sake. Goodbye.

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