Im Here and So Are You

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I sensed that I had been asleep for what seemed like a long time because when I moved my body felt so stiff enough my bones could crack with a single movement. My mind felt so slow too. My head was swirling with dizziness. I couldn't imagine what I would've felt like if I opened my eyes this instant.

Over a few seconds for what seemed like hours I could hear ocean tides. Seagulls flying around. Nonetheless, the ground felt so moist, yet dry. What was this?

I managed to flutter my eyes open. I looked around instantly noticing that the ground that was so wet and dry was sand. Sand? Ocean rides? I lifted my head up seeing that my suspicious were right, I was at a beach.

But how did I get here? What happened before all of this? Oh shit that's right, I was attack in the bathroom back at the airport. But the hell would attack me!? Sure, I've pissed enough people but this was just odd.

Slowly, I stood and looked down to my outfit. I was covered in sand, and water apparently.

"Hello!? Is anyone here? I think..I'm lost" I called out.

Am I still in London?

Well, wherever the hell I am, I should probably look for resources. Who knows how long it'll be til I get help. I slowly got up and walked through the long shore. It wasn't til long after I tripped over my own feet I stumbled upon a backpack. Inside it was full of a bunch of stuff like a flashlight, a lighter, a rope, a bottle of water and a pocket knife.

I stood up and looked around,"What the hell is this a prank!?"

No way in hell was I trying to be Katniss from the trilogy the Hunger Games. I huffed in annoyance and put the strap of the backpack over my shoulder. I swear whoever put me here is gonna pay for it.

Soon the day went by a lot faster than I thought. I managed to create a fire but right now I was in this forest, woods whatever part of this place looking for food. I had the backpack behind me. I gripped onto the flashlight and the knife in my hands. I managed to get three mangos off a tree. And since that was enough for me I began to head back to where I had set the fire. But suddenly I froze when a tree branch snapped. Yet the sound didn't crunch under my feet. Was someone here too?

I quickly hid behind a tree trunk, hearing a person breath heavy as they walked by. This could be the person who kidnapped me. I scowled, turning my head toward the person whose back was facing me. Okay, I can do this. Don't hesitate. I nodded to myself and after pausing for a second I kicked the persons back, causing them to collapse to the ground. I raised the pocket knife up but when they winced turning toward me I gasped,"Daoming Si!?"

"Kiara? What the hell" he winced.

No way.


After helping him up, I led him back to the fire that I had created. Apparently he too had a backpack but it didn't have that much resources as mine did.

We sat in front of the fire with a some distance between us. I awkwardly bit my lip unsure on how to begin this conversation. Every now and then I would steal glances noticing how his pale skin looked bad. It was obvious that he hadn't been able to sleep these past days with probably no food in his system.

"Do you know who attack us?" He suddenly questioned.

"No" I said,"Do you?"

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