I'll Do Anything

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"Ms.Zhaung are even listening!?" I questioned in a panicking tone, she had began talking about the tea and where she bought it from. Along with snacks but the tea and snacks were the least of my concerns.

"Of course I did" she calmed me down,"Si gave Shancai and Lei a joker card."

"Do you think you can help me with this?" I pleaded. I was willing to do anything.

"How did Si and Lei end up like this?" She crosses her arms confused.


I bit my lip while scratching the back of my head nervous,"I told you the other night. I kissed Lei. Si got angry because of that. So I'm the reason why everyone's caught up in this mess"

"Then what good will I do?"

"You can talk to Si and convince him to back down from the challenge. I already tried to talk to Si but it seemed to only make him angrier. At this rate I don't know what else to do" I explained.

The truth was if I were to fight Si on this again I'll only end up losing the round. I don't know if me talking to Si was going to do any good.

"If it was your fault then you'll ty harder to solve the problem. Only you can change Si's mind. Only you can end this cold War"

Hell no, Si hates me. He wouldn't change his mind. Not even for me. I wasn't special to him. He cared for me but that was in the past. Nothing else.

I sighed,"guess the war will never end then..thanks for the tea Ms.Zhaung"

I got up and walked away entering the cold air outside when closing the door behind me.

I don't know if it was possible for me to end this war. I was dealing with my own. Especially with Seoyeon here in China. Along with NY.

When I came to my car across from it was Si leaning against his own. My eyes turned slightly big, surprised that he was home. I wanted to leave before he got here.

I sighed fixing my hair before slowly waking up to him,"Daoming Si I wanna say a few words to you before I leave and you can't argue with me on this. Take back your challenge from Shancai and Lei. What's going on between us has nothing to do with her. Lei and I kissed, it was a one time thing. Lei and I aren't even dating. I was the one who said no to him. This is the last time I'll be involved with F4"

I gave him a firm nod before walking to my car. I pulled my car keys from my pocket. 

Man my hands are so cold.

As I was about to open my car from behind Si turned my around and pulled me into a strong hug. I jumped started and dropped my keys in the process.

"Just say you like me and I'll cancel the bet between them. Just say it, okay? Just say it—"

"Si! Let go of me, calm down" I pushed him off of me but he didn't budge,"God your hurting me, Si stop"

"Just say you like me!" He screamed pulling away but still keeping his hands on my shoulders,"Do you hate me that much?"

No, I don't. I've seen how kind and gentle you can be.

I struggled under his grip and managed to put my hands on his cheeks,"Si stop" I shook my head giving him a sad smile,"Listen I care about you okay? It hurts me to actually see you like this. But I can't give you what you want. I don't like you the way you like me."

I don't hate you, but I don't like you either..

He frowned,"Why must it be Lei? Why does it have to be my friend?"

"I've always admired Lei. But deep down.."
I know he's not meant to be mine. He'll never look at me the way he looked at Ting,"He's not mine. I'm going to accept that. But right now I'm not concerned about you or him. I've got other things from my past coming back to get me. I don't know if I can stay in China longer"

He glared down at me in anger,"All you do is run! You can here from Singapore, before you that you dealt with other things in other countries. You tried to run from me, you can't keep running away!"

I didn't care what he said. He didn't know my struggles,"Don't you dare judge me Si. You don't know enough about my life story. I suggest you mind your own business before you look at my life problems that don't need your opinion" I snapped.

He scoffed taking his hands off of me. I backed away feeling my back hit my car. He clenched his jaw,"This is stupid. Can't believe I like a girl like you. Acts tuff but runs away like a coward—"

At that moment I felt my heart snap into two that I raised my hand up, slapping him across the face. A few seconds passed by with us staring at each other with pure anger.

I didn't want to spend another second here looking at him.

I bent down and grabbed my car keys and turned around,"Can't believe for a second you are a decent guy. Glad to know the truth" I sarcastically said before going in and slamming the car door.

I started the engine and drove fast out of the area.
I gripped my hands on the steering wheel and let my eyes remain on the road.

Stupid Si.

Stupid Seoyeon.

Stupid NY.

I hate how my life is complicated.

I hate the people who have made it trash.

I hate myself.

I pressed the gas pedal even harder, driving around multiple cars with a few beeping at me.

I hate everything in this life it's fucking stupid.

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