Bloody Nose

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I walked down the hallways of Mindge University, walking between Shancai and Li Zhen as we had our arms linked together since I insisted on it.

"What should we do for lunch?" Shancai asked,

"We could eat at a nearby cafe. I brought my car" I suggested.

"Wait but don't you have to stay in? You've missed like two months of school Kiara" Li Zhen started in a concerning tone.

"I talked to the teachers,and naturally they excused my absence after telling them my teacher assistant practically tried to kill me" I sighed,"Luckily they gave me all the work so if I pull an all nighter and do them all this week, I'll be ready for finals."

"Hey, if you ever feel sick don't just wait it off and go home" Shancai told me, giving me a vibe a mom would give you.

I chuckled,"Okay mom, I understand."

Shancai shook her head, pushing my shoulder as the three of us began to giggle uncontrollably. I bet if you saw us down the street people would be thinking that we were crazy. I honestly didn't know why we were giggling so much, all I knew was that I couldn't stop.

When I looked up I instantly saw F4 with my giggling dying down. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Daoming Si. My heart was jumping in a irregular beat yet at the same time I felt it drop down to my stomach.

"I—I'm going to class guys. I'll see you at lunch" I said all too fast. I turned around already bumping into someone. I apologized bowing to them before hurrying down the hallway, ignoring my friends calling after me.


After school ended I sat in my bedroom with my glasses on, with papers scattered on the floor in specific piles. Right now I was having two of my maids help me with my work as they were writing stuff on the board, about the stuff that was mainly important.

I huffed in annoyance,"What time is it?"

"12:36 a.m Miss!" One of the maids answered.

Ugh and I'm not even half way done with what's suppose to get done today! I scrunched my face up and fell back into the bed defeated.

"Come on Miss I think it's best if you go to sleep" one of the maids yawned.

I shook my head, keeping my lazy eyes on the ceiling,"No, I need to finish this. If I wanna get things done on time, I need to do all this."

While they began to chatter about something I was beginning to come up with a plan on how I could get this done. I could stay in after school and during lunch and get half done and do the other half at night.

I pout my lips as they began to tremble,"I wanna drop out!" I cried, shoving my face into the pillow.

The rest of my mornings felt weird.

I was extremely tired from the whole entire all nighters I had been pulling. I had only been getting one to three hours of sleep and strangely I felt fine, yet tired. My eyes were trying to close but I chugged down many ounces of coffee to keep me going.

My outfit to school wasn't the best, but I didn't care anymore at this point. I wore my glasses with my hair in a messy bun. I had on a pair of sweat pants with a baggy T-shirt. I wasn't going to try and impress myself right now. Finals were coming up and this is the first I've ever been a reck.

I got out of Mr.Wangs limo not bothering to say bye.

I came inside and found Shancai and Li Zhen Who noticed my appearance changing as they suggest me going home but I ignored them and spent most of my class time in the library finishing my work since all they were doing was study what I was working on currently.

I walked straight into the library with books and papers stacked in my hand. I put them on the nearest table and sat down, going straight into work.

Time was passing by and I didn't realize lunch hour was happening until more students entered the library. I sighed, continuing to read over the packet. My head began began to ache and at first I wasn't concerned. I could easily just take pills later. Yet when I saw a blood drop drip onto my sticky note I panicked for a second. Then I realized I was having a freaking bloody nose.

"Shit" I muttered, holding my nose up as I put my fingers to my nose. I hurried to the front desk looking for a pack of tissues but saw none. Great, great, great! I groaned mentally. I'll just go and use the bathroom quickly.

I went out to the library, and was about to enter the bathroom but suddenly I was pulled back by my upper arm. I gasped quickly looking at the person, as I was shocked to see it was Daoming Si.

"Come with me" he said.

"No—Wait!" I said pulling back as he began to drag me.

No, I have freaking bloody nose that needs attention!

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