Take Deep Breaths

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Nick and I walked to his private airplane as when the plane began to fly I hadn't noticed I slept through most of it until Nick woke me up telling me we had already arrived.

"Can't believe I slept through all that" I told him as we checked in our hotel.

"Don't know, you've always been a night owl" he smirked, teasing me.

I half smiled, not wanting to tell him I had yet another nightmare. But it wasn't about Jia or my mom. Instead it was about Bora.

She was there at every corner no matter where I went, trying to talk to me about what I was doing was right or wrong. It was haunting.

I followed after Nick in the big room seeing as the room had two guest rooms with a fabulous view of South Korea's ocean and city.

I dropped my luggage on the sofa as Nick began to speak,"Alright what do you wanna do? Get some good or rest? It's pretty late right now" he yawned. (I yawned writing the word yawn. Yikes.)

I chuckled shaking my head,"Well I think you should get some rest. In the morning we'll get changed and get breakfast before meeting up with Mr.Kim."

"Alright I'll be in my room if you need me" he said. I nodded watching as he went to his guest room. Well since I slept through most of the ride, I guess I could stay up and watch some movies.

I brought my luggage to my room and when I sat on the grand bed I charged my phone, and pulled my laptop and put some Disney movie on.

I didn't noticed I fell asleep until I felt my body begin to sweat. My dream had him in it. He stood in front of me like we did on that day in the rain.

I felt myself begin to whimper that I shot up gasping. I looked around carefully finding myself in my room with the Disney movie still playing. I exhaled putting my hand to my chest.

God, it hurt to look at him. I bit my lower lip, not wanting to cry about him. I want to forget about him. I looked over at my backpack that had the meteor star necklace he gave me. I shook my head. How can I forget about him if I still am holding onto him?

I got up from the bed and left, standing up. I paced back and forth. This is what happens when I try to sleep. God can't I just sleep peacefully for one night?

As I looked at the wall, without a thought I found myself standing in front of Nicks door. I didn't know what else to do. But I wanted his company. I need to distract myself from him. I need to know that I can't forever think about him. I made that deal knowing I wasn't going to be with Si anymore and I need to live up to that.

I carefully opened the door, ignoring the slight squeaky sound it made as I looked inside. Gee his back is facing me I can't see. I'll just let him sleep. I don't wanna bother.

As I was about to close the door Nicks voice startled me,"Kiara?" He groaned in a deep raspy voice.

Great, I woke him up. I blushed forcing myself to enter the room, sitting at the side of the bed where he was facing.

"I..can't sleep" I confessed,"Can I stay with you here?"

He nodded, making space for me. I thanked him silently as I joined him. He brought the covers over me. I turned my body towards him who I noticed had his eyes closed.

I should get to sleep. It's the least I could do since I'm now here with him. I closed my eyes in hopes in getting more sleep but I couldn't. I opened my eyes only to find Nicks eyes opened too.

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned out of the blue.

I sighed,"I don't know..I'm tired of thinking."

"You know you don't have to pretend anything. I see the way you look. How your trying not to fall to pieces. How you try not to think about him or anyone yet you cry in your sleep."

Oh shit,"You noticed?"

"I've always been the observant one" he said.

Suddenly I felt my lip tremble. God damn it, I'm tired of crying!

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nick questioned sitting up. I sat up too as he turned the lamp on. I shook my head,"Hey Kiara.." Nick put his hand to my cheek as I forced myself to look at him.

"Talk to me" he begged.

"I can't stop thinking about him, or about anyone. And I hate it" I cried out silently,"I hate it. I just want these feelings to stop."

He frowned, putting strands of hair behind my ear,"That's the thing..there's a kind of love that doesn't die so easily. Eventually you'll let go, it's just not the time."

I sniffed my nose nodding, he was right.

He pulled me to his bare chest,"Get some sleep" he whispered into my ear. I nodded wrapping my arms around him that I finally found myself sleeping for the night.

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