This Sucks

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I approached the door to my mansion, limping and softly letting out a small gasp when I lightly stepped on my right bare foot. I cussed under my breath and bit on my lower lip, to distract myself from the throbbing my foot was feeling. I hate that I stepped on a freaking broken alcohol bottle. People need to clean up after themselves. Not only that but my elbow and hands were scraped because of when I fell out the window, and might I add I was now completely covered in dirt.

I pushed the door open and tiredly closed it. I wanted to rub my tired eyes but if I did that then dirt would get in them.

I came further into my place my security guards bowed to me but when recognizing the state I was in they cane rushing to my side,"Can one of you help me to the bathroom?" I asked.

They both nodded, my bodyguard Mr.Sato carried me to the bathroom while my other one left somewhere. Mr.Sato brought me to the first floors bathroom counter and immediately stepped out when Mrs.Choa and another maid came in gasping at my appearance.

"Miss Huang why are you dressed like this!?" She questioned in almost horrified tone. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Thank you Mrs.Choa, you look good too" I sarcastically replied back.

"Shush, bring the aid kit and prepare her the bathtub" Mrs.Choa demanded the maid.

The maid nodded, bowing to both of us before leaving. Mrs.Choa later left the bathroom to call one of the maids who specialized in nursing.

When that maid came in with Mrs.Choa she went straight to my bloody foot with tweezers and a flashlight in her hand. I bit down hard on my lip kinda nervous but I remained calm to show them I wasn't scared. However, I then winced out loud while she used her tweezers. I could practically feel her digging into my foot for the smaller pieces of glass.

"Miss Huang, there's someone on the phone for you" my maid Miss Suzuki came in the bathroom holding the phone.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Daoming Si."

I was about to extend my hand to the phone but realized right now wasn't a good time. I didn't want him to know I was hurt cause then he'd blame himself. I exhaled through my nose,"Remind me to call him later."

"Yes, Ma'am" she said before leaving the bathroom. The maid that was working on foot suddenly moved it that I yelped out in pain,"Fuck" I cursed wanting to rub my foot to soothe the pain that felt like it was burning my skin.

"Did you twist it?" The maid questioned.

"Yeah" I stiffly replied.

She turned to the aid kit and began to wrap my ankle with the bandage wrap,"You might need crunches."

I widened my eyes,"Please tell me your joking." If Si sees me in these crunches I'll be doomed.

"I'm afraid not Ma'am."

I put my hands to my face and sighed into them. This couldn't get any better, could it?

"I'll go tell them to get your crunches" Mrs.Choa said before the leaving the bathroom.

"I'll need to clean your hands Miss Huang"

I looked down to my palms that were covered in dirt and dried blood. I nodded and extended my hands to her where she dabbed alcohol to kill the bacteria. Then she used a warm cloth and wiped them clean before bandaging my palm.

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