Silence Now Breaks

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After the next day of having zero contact with anyone I went straight to where Chen had told me where he, Mira, Lei and his friends would be if I wanted to talk.

I guess it took them by surprise when they saw me in my baggy clothes waiting to be invited in. Lei looked at me proudly as he let me in his house.

He guided me to the living room where everyone wore extravagant clothing. Wow guess there was a whole party here. Shancai too was here. She wrapped me up in hugs but that didn't help my uncomfortableness.

It feeling extremely weird. Usually I was the one to dress for the occasion, guess not this time.

"I'm really surprised myself that I'm telling you this but I rather not let the rest of the world know so much about me" I awkwardly shifted my position in the chair.

The others sat or stood across from me waiting for me to say more.

I sighed biting my lip nervously. I could feel my heart beginning to increase its beating tempo but I had to calm down. I had to remind myself that this was for the best.

"Kiara it's fine, take your time in saying it all" Lei assured.

I looked at him thankful. I let out a heavy sigh,"Okay here's the truth.."

And so I explained everything to them. My horrible childhood, me traveling place to place. My devastating friendship that died with Bora. NY, the stalker that seemed to know every move I made. Then, I went on about Jia, my Mom, Seoyeon, and how there was someone new stalking me telling them why I had left the hospital early that day.

God it felt so strange saying it all out loud.

I stared and studied each other faces. Trying to figure out what it was that they were thinking or feeling. In order to calm myself down. Hoping that they wouldn't run away and look at me like a broken, stupid, worthless girl.

"I didn't realize you were going through all this stuff" Mira was the first to speak up, surprisingly me.

"It all makes sense on why you moved so much" Chen sighed,"Our family is growing suspicious of you Kiara. Your Dad can't forever hide the documents"

It was my turn to sigh. I buried my head into my hands. Chen wasn't wrong. I just don't know how much we have left before the world finally discovers it all.

"We'll help you" Ximen said standing up. I looked up surprised as Mei Zhou and Lei followed his actions.

"We can help capture and find out who those two stalkers are" Mei Zou said.

"And we can take down Seoyeon" Mira smirked nudging Chen's side.

"I don't know much on what I can do but I'll do whatever it is you need" Shancai beamed brightly.

I stood up alarmed. This was touching, it really was but this isn't what I wanted,"Look guys I'm happy that your taking this the bright way but I can't let you all do it."

Mira scoffed,"And why not?"

"Don't you want to know the truth at least?" Shancai questioned.

"I do but—"

"Bull crap!" Mira yelled. Chen sighed in attempt to calm her down but Mira pushed him off of her marching her way towards me,"Why don't you actually start acting like the Kiara I know and do the shit thats suppose to be done or what, your too scared? I say fuck it off. Your suppose to be strong but instead your acting like a wussy cat. So..Don't call yourself a Huang if you can't handle this life that's thrown at you. I should know. I learned from you"

My mouth slightly hung open as it kinda felt like someone had punched a hole in my chest.

"Running away..just has always worked out for in the end" I admitted.

"Well maybe not this time" Lei piped in,"I think you telling us is a sign that things are gonna get worse from here but with our help—-"

"You can finally face them and actually reach for that magically happy ending you and Jia always talked about" Chen smiled.

At the thought of the happy ending I wished for Jia and I makes me smile like Chen. Shancai came to me and wrapped her arm around me in comfort. I smiled down at her too and wrapped my arm around her.

They were right. To get things over with I was going to need a little help. Running away was no longer going to be an option for me.

"Okay, I'm in for it" I blurted out,"I guess it's about time I stop running away and face my past."

Mira smirked as Chen playfully cheered with F4 clapping. Shancai and I laughed at the boys.

"Well I better head home and sleep" I said releasing Shancai. While heading to the door Chen stopped me. I turned around confused.

"Actually uh we forgot to mention" Mei Zhou scratched his head.

"We just haven't got the chance around it and you haven't seen Daoming Si.." Ximen went on.

I raised an eyebrow, where were they going with this?

"Daoming Si's birthday is tonight" Lei finally said.

I gasped,"What!?"

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