Back So Soon?

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After staying a whole week in Korea I decided today was enough and I had to go back and catch on my classes.

I was already on the plane heading back to China while I continued to scan through the papers and bookmark that were found with the book that I later returned.

I had found out after the book mark papers from my personal diary. I don't know how they managed to get in there but it seemed like no one touched it, or even wrinkle it up.

It was left the way I had ripped it out of my diary before throwing it away.

I talked about in each paper of NY. Or of the days I struggled seeing Bora get bullied with me doing nothing of it.

"Attention passengers, we'll be landing in less than 15 minutes. Please sit back, have your phones turned off" The pilot spoke through the announcer.

I sighed putting the papers back into my bag but held onto the book mark. I knew who this belonged to.

It was obvious it was from Bora.

Bora never hated me. Not even while I treated her poorly. She should've though. Especially when I betrayed her.

Which is why I'm accepting NY for saying all those things to me. Even if I went through serious panic attacks. I deserved it, I deserved the punishment I was being put through.

After the air plane landed I took a cab back to my place to get ready for school. I knew I still had time to sleep in but I wanted to go and get breakfast, and work on the assignments my teachers sent me.

While walking through the door I instantly heard a loud snoring sound. I almost jumped, surprised to hear that. I carefully closed the door behind me and made my way to my room.

When I turned on the lights I saw my body guards, Jisoo and Dylan sleeping on bed hugging each other. I tilted my head, the hell are they doing in here?

I crossed my arms thinking I should wake them up but decided not to and took a picture instead so I could make fun of them later.

I set my suitcase to the side and changed into a new set of clothes in my bathroom. I put my hair in a messy bun before grabbing my backpack, car keys, and laptop.

I left my room going down to the kitchen seeing my main chefs in the room sleeping with caking batter on their faces. With brownies and a cup of milk set at the counter.

Okay what's with everyone sleeping? It's like my house their own little napping place.

I shrugged taking the whole batter of brownies and cup of milk with me while heading to my car. I drove out through the highway, and stopped at a cafe near the school.

I ate most of the brownies and drank the milk. Other than that I only managed to finish half the things I needed to do but it was better than nothing.

When it came to 5 minutes before classes started I drove to the school and went to my classes. Most students seemed surprised by my appearance. Did I know? No, but I didn't care.

I walked to the cafeteria and sat with my laptop for a few minutes before putting it away with three people suddenly sitting with me.

I looked up surprised to find Shancai, Li Zhen and Quinghe with happy expressions,"Kiara where have you been?"

"Yeah! We haven't seen you in a week"

"Did you go on vacation?" Quinghe questioned.

I smiled,"Okay hello to you guys too, and I went out of the country for business. That's why I was gone" I explained.

They all nodded understanding. Shancai gave me a smile that held a devious look. Like one would give a friend about a guy.

I raised an eyebrow about to ask but a drink set down beside me took my attention away. I looked up with my smile immediately dropping.

Seoyeon held her tray but put it down at the table besides us and sat,"Kiara, you were really offended right?"

Shancai glanced at me confused but Quinghe shook his head telling her to be mute for now.

I eyed Seoyeon carefully. Why was she trying to apologize? Did she want to make a good image for herself? I wanted to roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry without much thought—" I gave her a look that made her stop. Seoyeon seemed nervous. I could tell she didn't want to give much details away.

What a bitch.

"I'll be more considerate of your feelings. Stop being mad now" she softly pleaded with a smile.

I glared turning my head down to my pants as Li Zhen spoke up,"Come on Kiara. I'm sure we can put this behind us."

Ignoring her, I looked to Seoyeon again who nodded happily. She extended her hand out,"Accept my apology"

I stared at her hand and glanced at everyone in the room before scoffing. Everyone's eyes was on us, and not just a couple people but everyone. Even the boys at the entrance stared at us.

Deciding not to mutter a word I instead stood up and gathered my things before walking out hearing the boys holler while girls whispered curses.

I shook my head ready to go to another spot to eat but I was pulled back.

I turned around in shock seeing that it was Si.

Holy shit, he's back?

"Daoming Si?"

He stared at me up and down before grabbing my wrist and dragged me all the way some unknown part of the school with just us two in an empty hallway.

"Where have you been!? You've been gone for a week and then I see you in a fight?" He began.

I groaned taking his hands off of me,"Nice to see you too. What are you doing back here? I thought you said you were going to move to London" I ignored his questions.

He nodded putting his hands into his pockets,"I changed my mind. Now answer me"

"I had business to go to. Plus that girl I fought is something that's not your business. But speaking of you coming back" I began. I crossed my arms with a knowing smile,"Did you miss your friends?"

"Of course I did. I was bored" he instantly replied.

I nodded stepping closer to him, deciding I wanted to tease him,"Did you perhaps miss me too?"

He awkwardly cleared his throat looking at anywhere else but me,"No, you stupid girl."

Didn't expect any other answer. I nodded again,"Okay, we'll since you didn't miss me I guess you don't want to talk to me. So I'll just be going."

I tried to playfully skip away but Si back hugged me. I widened my eyes, freezing in my steps.

"Of course I missed you. How could you not tell? This is why your a fool" he muttered to my ear. My cheeks began to feel red.

I was thankful for no one being in this hallway. I wouldn't be able to stand the stares for this.

I slowly put my tan hands on his pale ones with a smile forming on my lips,"Guess I'm just that special" I teased.

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