Until Then

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The next day arrived, it led to Si catching squid and me placing it onto of a stick above the fire. We sat beside each other as he commented on how good it smelled. It then reminded me that I had caught three mangos the night before. I left the spot I was at and brought the backpack over and pulled out two mangos,"I caught them last night before I ran into you" I said to him.

He smiled down at the mango, seeing that he was obviously hungry. I handed Si the pocket knife in which he cut the mango he had into slices, yet he handed me the mango and took the unpeeled one from my hands.

"You know a lot of times Lei's is always by your side" he suddenly blurted out, I raised my eyebrow, confused,"and all I do is hurt you."

Si looked down to his hands,"Maybe..maybe Lei can make you happier than I—"

"Stop" I interrupted him, scowling at the idea of him imagining this,"I don't want Lei, I want you. Why can't you see that?"

"Because all I do is make you cry" He said grimly.

"But I feel happier when I'm with you" I mumbled my thoughts.

Si sighed, he looked so down, like he had nothing else to argue about. He knew he couldn't change my stubborn mind,"Come here" he whispered. I did as he said. He pulled me closely to his side as I nuzzled my head to his chest, smelling his own scent.

He rested his chin on top of my head and gave my a light kiss,"Actually when you came to see me in London I was so happy. I really regret breaking up with you so viciously. I regret it so much."

I pulled away a bit from his tight hug, to place my hand on his cheek, making sure he was looking at me,"We're here now that's all that matters."

Si looked down to my lips, giving it a quick peck. I smiled resting my head on his chest again, enjoying the silence together.

But it didn't last long. We soon left the camp sight and left into the forest I assume to look for help. Si gripped onto my hand hard while in his other hand he had the long stick that would move the long branches around from our feet.

I struggled to keep up with his pace. My legs began to shake. It seemed like we have been walking for ages. Or maybe I was exaggerating maybe it had only been thirty minutes. But there was so much sweat trembling down Si's cheeks I began to worry and ignore the pain from my knees that was starting to spread to the heel of my foot. I helped Daoming Si push the branches out the way but me stumbling along the way encouraged him to put me ahead of himself so I wouldn't get hurt.

Just as we reached the top of the hill my foot suddenly misplaced itself that I finally tripped down.



I had no idea what my foot got caught in. But I stayed still on the ground. My wrist suddenly began to burn that I bit my lower lip hard now tasting some blood.

"Kiara are you alright?" Si rushed down in front of me. I looked down to my foot seeing that I was stuck with a trees vine that was somehow extremely thick ,"Get the pocket knife" I winced, gesturing to my foot.

Si pulled the pocket knife out and began to cut the thick vine. He stayed silent for a second til he cut the vine throughly that my foot was free,"Are you hurt?" He questioned, examining me more.

I took my creme coat off and rolled up the sleeve of my crop top sleeve. Blood was oozing of the wound. It wasn't that bad, but it hurt like a bitch.

Si suddenly put his hands on my shirt,"W—What are you doing—" I stopped myself seeing that he ripped some of the fabric off my crop top and wrapped it around my wrist.

I gave a grimace of pain as he tied it around securely, he looked at me in the eyes concerned,"Lets go." I nodded, as he grabbed my hands and pulled me up to my feet.

I was about to thank him but I froze when hearing a person run by. I turned to Si shocked. Did he hear that too?

"I feel their presence nearby. If we run into them I'm beating them up" he clenched his jaw hard. My face went blank. Si grabbed my hand and pulled me by his side.

I continued to stumble now in pain along side him. We eventually came down to the other side of the beach but I saw that no one else was here,"Si it's getting darker and we haven't found anyone yet" I said, sounding scared. But really I was worried.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen Kiara. Trust me, we'll get out of here some—"

"Where's the sunshine, beach and hot girls?" A new voice said.

I widened my eyes turning to Si shocked, why did that voice sound so familiar?

"Did you hear—" I asked, looking to Si but my voice trailed off seeing his eyes turn dark. Oh shit.

"Come on" he said, dragging me closer down the beach, seeing a tent, drinks and food around.

"What the fuck."

"How would I know the weather would be like this"

Xiaozi was that her?

Si and I stepped closer to the tent seeing Xiaozi, Ximen, and Mei Zou all sitting on chairs looking comfy as ever.

"What the hell!?" I screamed, startling the three.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Si yelled, then he had a look of realization,"I'm gonna best your asses up!" He let go of my hand and raised the giant stick he had and swat it around in attempt to hit their faces.

Xiaozi covered her face while the two boys ran off. I was too tired to go after them. I collapsed down, falling to my butt as I felt breathing at the nape of my neck. I jumped startled, quickly turning around to find—

"Lei? What the hell, you too?" I snapped.

Lei shrugged taking a sip of some strawberry milk. I scoffed turning away, unbelievable.

"I'm gonna kill you! Was this some prank of yours?" Daoming Si yelled at them. He grabbed Ximen by the collar and knocked him to the ground. He got on top of his back and began to punch his back repeatedly saying for them to go to hell.

I sighed, turning to Xiaozi who flashed a nervous smile,"Kiara—"

I put my hand up, signaling her to just be quiet.

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