Be Better

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Si shoved me into the room of his bedroom closing the door harshly behind him. I went through my hair nervously. I did not want to go through an argument.

"Kiara come here" he demanded, bringing out a aid kit. I stared at it confused until I looked down at my arms not realizing how red it was due to the scrap and blood.

I guess I was too scared to notice.

Si then walked up to me roughly grabbing my upper arm and sat me at the bed pissed,"Stupid girl, you told me you weren't bleeding but here you are bleeding because of that asshole"

"Can we not do this?" I pleaded as he grabbed my arm cleaning my cuts.

"What do you mean not do this right now?"He snapped.

Too much was already going through my head. I didn't want to release my anger or sadness out of Si.

"Why did he do it? Huh? And how do you even know him?" Si questioned.

The least I could to was tell him. But not about NY.

"Kim Taeyeon was someone I knew back in high school when I did schooling in South Korea. He came to China for some reason and heard that I was here so I just met him" I explained. But judging from Si's eyes that wasn't the main thing he wanted to know.

I sighed having my other hand go through my black hair,"He started to get aggressive for his reasons. Look he's not thinking straight. I know what he's going through"

But I don't know why..

"You expect that to make me feel better?" He scoffed.

"Si, this is something I can't have you know. It's something I have to deal with" I said trying my hardest to not lash out.

After a few seconds Si stopped forcing me to look at him,"Do you really think I'm that useless?"

No, I don't..

"I didn't mean it like that. Look if I'm causing trouble I'll just leave. I don't want to argue, I want to cry, I just want drama to go away" I exhaled heavy.

I stood up making my way towards the door. I could hear Si's footsteps right behind mine but I ignored them. I went to open the door but his hand slammed on it pushing me against it.

I lowly gasped staring at Si with wide eyes. He looked pissed for a half a second but he dropped his head down, surprising me,"Please..don't go. Just stay for me."

What was I suppose to do? I had to go find Taeyeon and explain everything to him. But having Si here, wanting me to stay with him made me feel conflicted.

"If you don't stay then your not the Huang Kiara I know" he explained.

I stepped toward him having both our chest against each other,"What gives you the right to say that? You don't know the stress I'm being put through right now Si."

"If you let me then I'd understand and help. How long have you been running away from this drama? How much longer are you gonna tell yourself your gonna handle it until you run away again?"

I looked away feeling a pinch of guilt. I opened my mouth to say something back but I couldn't think of anything. He got me there.

He sighed gently putting his hands on my shoulder,"Kiara.."

I shook my head taking his hands off of me,"No, you have a point. I am being difficult wanting to do things my way and letting you help me.."

But I still can't tell you Si. My past is just too dark for you to get involved in.

I put a smile on my face in and held his hand,"I'll stay with you. For now before I have to go"

And meet up with Taeyeon.

He smiled back and suddenly had me against the wall leaning down at my face,"Are you tired? Or do you wanna play?"

I widened my eyes and coughed out in shock.

Si smirked flickering my head,"Owh!" I winced rubbing the spot he hit.

"I meant play with cards" he laughed amused.


I awkwardly nodded,"I knew that."

"Sure you did"

I rolled my eyes hitting his shoulder,"Let's just play. Maybe you can show me how you do that card movement thing"

We sat on the bed across from each other and had the pile of cards in the middle. I had six different cards as we decided it was best to play goldfish. Due to me having very little experience in cards.

When I saw Si suddenly have a panic look I smiled in victory. I was going to win. I slammed my card down with a gleeful expression.

"Ha! I win" I teased.

Si raised an eyebrow at my card and I before putting his down. Fuck, his is a higher number. I looked up at him surprised,"You tricked me!"

He smiled grabbing the pile of cards,"Now I win"

I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at his face,"Because you cheated"

"Hey don't be a sore loser"



I giggled nodding. Si threw the cards down and got on top of me. I laughed trying to push him away it lead to him holding my hands down. He reached out for a marker. Showing it to me.

"You lost now I get to draw" he grinned taking the cap off and began to draw on my cheek.

"Daoming Si!" I scolded playfully.

"Don't move or you'll ruin it" he said sticking his tongue out slightly.

"What are you drawing?"

He laughed,"You'll see"

I swear Daoming Si if it's something bad I won't hesitate to draw a dick on your face again.

When he stopped he stood up with me following his actions but I stopped when I noticed how close our faces were. Shit..were so close if I puckered a little I could kiss his lips.

Si glanced at my lips but said nothing and moved back.

I cleared my throat and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

Right..what was I thinking. Si wouldn't kiss me. We weren't more than that. Despite what the past has said.

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