Don't Make This Hard

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Today Lei and was taking me back to China. I had all my luggage packed and already in the taxi car. Last night, sleeping alone was getting to be a little more easier. He managed to be in my dreams for half of the night but the rest was just blank.

I threw on a white long sleeve off the the shoulder top with a pair of mom jeans. I put a pair of ankle heel timberlands and met Lei outside on the balcony where he was watching the city view yet again.

A smile itched on my face, as I joined his side, ignoring the wind that was causing goosebumps to rise on my exposed shoulder,"Are you sure you want to leave?" Lei questioned, turning to me.

My smile simmered down.

"Don't you want to go see Si one more time? He won't return to China for a long while. This is the chance to see him one more—"

"No, I don't want to see him" I interrupted him.
My subconscious was telling me yes. To do so. To fight more harder for this, but how could I if he broke up with me? What more can I do? We were over. I can't mop around anymore. Enough was enough,"Seeing him won't make a difference Lei."

Lei nodded understanding,"I just don't to see you so miserable."

I don't know why but I flinched at that word. I didn't want become miserable. Moping around is hard enough, being miserable is worse.

"Thank you, Lei for caring for me. But I'll be fine, I always manage to get better" I half smiled.

His eyes were sad. He stepped closer to me and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms him and rested my head on his shoulder.

We stayed like this for serval seconds before pulling away. Lei met my eyes, showing pure sincerity,"My feelings for you are beyond love. Your like a close friend and also like a pet that I adore. Your a lot special to me."

A pet? I gave him an unamused look,"Yah Huaze Lei do I look like a pet to you?" Then he bursted into a fit of laughter. I tried to fight the smile on my face but I joined in and felt much more
relaxed,"Well Lei, my love for you is beyond love too. When I first came to Midge you were always there for me. I fell in love with you and I guess as my first love I see you as a close friend and a pet."

"You stole my words."

I gave him a playful shrug,"Don't care. Come on we should get going."

He followed me inside. Lei handed me my creme trench coat as we made our way outside the hotel. Today I'm leaving London and I'm not turning back no matter what.

When we reached outside we made our way to the black taxi that had our things. But suddenly Lei stopped. I looked to Lei confused but I followed his eyes seeing Daoming Si stand there.

I froze with my eyes suddenly watering up. My hands dropped to my sides with my coat barely handing on to the tips of fingers.

"I'm bringing Kiara back to Shanghai" Lei said.

Daoming Si's cold face, knitted his eyebrows together,"What do you mean?"

"You don't deserve her love" he snapped.

Suddenly Daoming Si's face became dark and his eyes were mad. He marched up to Lei and threw a punch at his face, but luckily Lei dodged it. Daoming Si gripped onto the collar of his coat yet Lei pushed him away.

I couldn't find the courage to open my mouth. I was still trying to think of the most rational thing to say. What the hell do I say in a situation like this!?

"She's here by herself because you abandoned her. How can you call yourself her boyfriend? If this is how you treat your girlfriend, then I was wrong about you" Lei glared.

There was a moment of silence.

I glanced between the two making sure if things actually got out of hand then I would step in.

"Let's just go Lei"My voice was shaky. Daoming Si looked my way but I quickly looked to the ground,"There's nothing here for me."

I walked to the taxi door and opened it with Lei behind me. As I was ready to hop in I froze when he called my name,"Do you remember the promise we made?"

What promise? We made so many promises together..

I turned to him as his face softened,"You promised we'd have hot pot together."

And then I started to cry. I shook my head at him trying my best to look strong,"How can I keep the promise when you don't keep yours in return?"

His face saddened. I sniffed my nose looking away,"Lets go." I whispered to Lei before hopping in. Lei closed the door after him as the taxi began to drive.

I put my hands to my ears and despite the childish fact I did so and silently cried with my body toward the window.

My subconscious was screaming at me. Demanding the taxi driver to stop. But no this was the better thing to do. I can't keep getting myself into this same cycle of disappointment.

Not anymore.


When arriving at the airport I told Lei to give me some space to refresh myself. I hurried into the bathroom and luckily no one was here. I stood in front of the long mirror shocked by my appearance. My eyes were red, my nose was too. Tear stains were noticeable on my cheeks. I turned the sink on and splashed some cool water on my face. I sighed grabbing a couple of paper towels to dab my face dry.

Hearing the door open I quickly wipes my face faster so I could leave this bathroom. I threw the paper towels in the trash and just as I grabbed the door handle I suddenly felt shock waves run through my body. I gasped, screaming out loud and immediately collapsed to the ground.

My head shot up as the stinging pain was nothing I've ever felt before. It was coming from my lower back. I gasped out loud trying to see through my blurry vision. I blinked several times but it was no use. I could only see a shadow kneeling down to me that I was too weak to fight back. I tried to move my hand up but ultimately I fell down to a hole full darkness.

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