I'll Live With Him

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"You know staying here is probably not the best idea" I blurted out as we were about to step foot inside his house.

"Don't say that. It's perfectly fine plus I was the one to invite you here, remember?" He retorted.

I sighed. As much as I felt the love for him, sometimes he just never understood my thoughts,"I get that but won't your mom get pissed?" Not only that but I didn't have any clothes.

At the mentioned of his mom he suddenly flinched. I frowned wondering why he reacted like that? Did something happen or did the talk with her about me get intense? I hope not.

"It's fine, this way we can tell her face to face that we want to be together" he answered in a calmly but serious tone.

I widened my eyes,"Your kidding? With everything going on you really want me—"

"Do you want to be with me?" He interrupted me. He stepped close to me that our chest practically had no space in between left. I inhaled deeply as I stared in his brown eyes,"Answer me Kiara"

"Of course I do" I answered truthfully,"But with everything going on with my family. I just don't think it's a good timing."

Si frowned shaking his head,"I don't care. It's now or never. What's important is that we're in it together."

I sighed, was he really up for this?
"You really want to do this huh.." I muttered. I looked away for a quick second before looking back into his eyes,"Fine, well do it. But not now. You decided that we'd be doing this. So I get to be the one to decide when."

Si scoffed,"No way"

I crossed my arms raising my eyebrow,"It's only fair. If not then we're not telling your mom."

This way I'd have time to get my life together before we tell her face to face. For Si's sake.

He sighed in defeat,"Fine." I wanted to tell him to not whine but when he put his hand to my cheek, brushing over my cheek bone I let out a shaky breath forgetting the words that were suppose to come out of my mouth. I closed my eyes finding myself lean into his hand,"You know I care about you right?" He asked.

I reopened my eyes nodding. I knew Si cared for me. I cared for him too.

"I wanna make things right between us." he said as his hand that was on my cheek traveled down to my waist.

I couldn't help but smile,"So do I."

"Then lets do this together." I nodded an okay with a grand smile before he grabbed my hand and dragged me inside the house through the empty hallways.

I couldn't help but gulp my salvia, afraid that his mother would suddenly pop out of the corner like in those classic horror movies. But I shook the silly thoughts of my head. How could I be afraid of her? If the one I was actually afraid of was my own Dad..which reminds me, where is he throughout all of this? How is he reacting to the news coming up? I'm surprised he hasn't come to China.

Maybe it's for the best.

After all, I can't imagine what's going on in Singapore. With Nick and the news— oh god, Nick!  I can't believe I almost forgot about him too. I need to go back to the hospital and see if he's waken up yet. Maybe I should spend the night there in case he does.

"Si after this I need to go somewhere" I blurted out turning my head to him as we continued to walk.

He raised an eyebrow,"Where are you going?"

"I have to visit—" I turned my head as we were turning the corner but suddenly I came face to face with an elder shocking me that I immediately stepped back surprised.

Si jumped at how scared I got but when he saw who it was he had this look on his face that said,"Really?"

I breathed in and out trying to calm myself from that jump scare.

The grandma lady that didn't seem surprised by me glanced between Si and I before scoffing,"Such a ruckus."

I put my hand to my chest confused,"Ms.Yu, your still alive?" Si stared at her in disbelief.

Ms.Yu smiled,"Mr.Daoming Si, still a jokester as always. Like you said I'm still alive and kicking."

Si cringed,"Stop it, Ms.Yu. No need to be formal, just call me Si. Saying my full name with honorifics is a little over the top."

While the two interacted I just stood there confused, whether or not I should just leave to give them privacy and take this chance to see Nick and come back later.

Luckily the only part I paid attention to was when the elder said Si's mom left to London. I was relieved that I felt my whole body relax.

But sadly I didn't pay much attention until I heard a loud gasp startling me. I raised me head and behind the elder came a lady in a maid outfit. At first I was confused like Si and the Ms.Yu until I recognized who this lady was.

I widened my eyes as she came up to me,"Miss! I did not expect to see you here. And here you are breathing! I had my husband to go look for you"

It was the lady that I met back at the cemetery,"But your still covered in dirt" she frowned about to touch me until the grandma lady cleared her throat.

My eyes saddened hearing that her husband went to go look for me. Especially when I repeatedly told them I was fine, but deep down I wasn't and I guess she knew that.

"Mrs.Yang, do you know her?"

The lady Mrs.Yang nodded,"I met her today when my husband and I visited my dead brother. We found her asleep on the ground."

Si widened his eyes,"You slept in a graveyard!?"

I turned to Si sighing,"Now is not the time to be talking about this."

I turned to Ms.Yu and bowed respectfully,"Hello Ms.Yu, my names Huang Kiara."

"She'll be staying here as my friend, Ms.Yu" Si said pulling me closer while giving me this cold look saying that the graveyard situation will be talked about soon.

Ms.Yu raised her eyebrows,"So your Ms.Huang Kiara. Since Si demands you be here then I won't treat you with disrespect. I'll have you do the chores around this house by Mrs.Yangs side."

At the mention of chores I widened my eyes, not that I minded doing chores, time to time back when I was a teen I'd always stress clean my room and bathroom so it's not like I didn't have experience . But me cleaning Si's house? Never thought I'd ever have to say that.

Shockingly, both Mrs.Yang and Si at the same time said no.

Ms.Yu turned to the two confused,"You both are in no position to say what she does. This generation takes things for granted. She will not just stay here and do nothing."

"Ms.Yu it's fine, I'll do the chores" I assured but then Mrs.Yang whispered something into Ms.Yu ear that made her eyes widen. Never thought that I'd see her have a shocked face.

She glanced between her and I before somehow sighing defeat,"Very well, she won't do chores" And with that Ms.Yu walked away with Mrs.Yang walking along side her.

I turned to Si confused on what just happened, luckily he too was lost but he shook his head ignoring the situation and grabbed my hand,"Now What the hell were you doing sleeping in a graveyard?"

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