Giving Up Isn't A Choice Anymore

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After sleeping in my now bedroom with all my things out of their suitcases, it was morning time with Nicks R&B music lightly playing through the place.

I stood in the kitchen, making waffles and hot chocolate for breakfast, waiting for Nick to come out of his room.

I sat at the table taking a sip of my hot chocolate as I glanced at the clock annoyed,"Nick come out of your room already, breakfast is ready!" I yelled annoyed.

Is he seriously not going to come out? What is he doing?

I put my cup down as I was putting a bowl of fruit on the table. When I heard footsteps approaching me I sighed,"Finally, I thought you wouldn't—" I turned around lazy eyes but then I saw a towel hanging from Nicks lower hips exposing his abs. I gasped quickly looking away wanting to ignore butterflies that were erupting in my stomach.

"What is it princess?" He asked as I could practically feel him smirking.

I shook my head gesturing to the table,"Come eat breakfast."

Nick walked over next to me as I found myself staring at his abs that were still wet from the shower. I gulped my saliva feeling my cheeks heat up.

He grabbed a strawberry about to plop it in his mouth. He grabbed another one about to sit down but I immediately stopped him,"Eat when you have clothes on"

He smirked biting his lower lip,"Why? This is my place."

I rolled my eyes,"Its called having table manners."

He laughed at me shaking his head,"Cute but annoying." When he saw that I wasn't laughing with him he sighed rolling his eyes,"Fine, I'll be back." He plopped the strawberry in his mouth, walking away.

Stupid boy.. if it were Si, he wouldn't— Wait.

I frowned at the thought of him. I slowly sat down at the table and because Nick was taking a while coming out I found myself looking through photos of Daoming Si and I. I didn't know how much time had passed but it felt I had gone through all of our photos together. I bit my lower lip fighting the urge to cry. We should've taken more photos together..

"Okay I'm here" Nick said, startling me for a quick second. I quickly put my phone on the table acting casual.

Nick sat down and began to eat with me.

"So what exactly are we gonna do?" Nick asked with food in his mouth.

I ignored the comment I wanted to make about talking with food in his mouth,"Were gonna find NY and put an end to them, and by that do research and have my detectives help us, and after it's okay, there's someone else we need to talk to."



"And she is?"

"The girl who pushed you down the stairs."

He widened his eyes,"Wow. And why the hell do you wanna talk to her? Don't tell me you wanna push her down the stairs too."

I scoffed,"Dumb ass no."

"Then?" He questioned.

"You'll see, but right now we don't need to worry about that. It's NY that's our main priority" I said. I didn't plan on doing anything to Seoyeon, well except talk to her. But I couldn't focus on her, Not yet.

He nodded doing a small salute,"Alright princess."

After eating our breakfast, we began to go into my messages in our computers while contacting my private detectives.

I also had my paper pulled out the one where I found a note from Bora. Where she had written in her book mark, where she said I was her only friend.

We didn't realize how much time had passed by til we heard our stomachs growl. Since Nick ordered pizza here we sat on the sofa with pizza, taking a break from all the work.

"Okay let's see if we still remember our favorite things" I said putting my slice of pizza on my plate.

Nick chuckled nodding,"Alright quiz me."

"Crunchy or smooth. 1,2,3–"

"Smooth" we both said. I smirked giving him a high five.

"Okay" he said,"DC or Marvel? 1,2–"

"Wait for the comics or movies?" I quickly interrupted.

He thought about it for a second,"Uh..comics."

"pfft easy, DC."

He grinned,"Ding, ding, ding."

"Hmm how about brownies or cookies?" I asked taking a bite out of my pizza.


I nodded quickly saying,"your turn."

"Okay, book or movie?"

"Duh book" I said but he sighed shaking his head. I widened my eyes,"What? Nick your answer should be book!"

"But why read when I can watch it?"

I rolled my eyes,"Because the book says more. It's the original work from the person who created it. Plus the book always has more than the movie."

He shrugged,"I guess you have a point."

I was not going to argue with him. He knew I was right either way.

"Okay, next. Piercing or tattoo?" I asked out of genuine curiosity.

"Tattoo, after all, I have one."

I widened my eyes,"You do? Where?"

He smirked,"You wanna see it?"

I nodded,"Yeah. When'd you get it done?"

"A couple of years ago" he answered.

I sat up on my knees as he took off his shirt. He turned around revealing his muscular back with Chinese characters that represented the word,"meaning" down his back. There were symbols drawn on his back too.

I didn't know what they meant though.

I couldn't help but have my fingers trace the tattoos.  I traced over the Chinese characters gently, that when I got to the unknown symbols I took my time tracing them with confusion,"What do these other tattoos mean?"

"They're from a book."

I raised my eyebrow amused,"A book? Now weren't you the one who said they preferred movies?"

He chuckled,"They mean a lot of things. One means strength, courage, mourn, heal, and love. These tattoos represent what I value in life. What I want to value the most."

Now I stared at the unknown tattoos amazed. Who knew they could have such a deep meaning for him. 
When he turned around I snapped out of it and looked up at him.

He smiled as when I found myself standing up I could feel our bodies get closer feeling that butterfly feeling again. Just as one of us were going to say something Nicks phone rang causing us to break away.

He cleared his throat, awkwardly answering the call. I watched as he nodded saying a few words in exchange. He hung up looking back at me.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"It was your personal detective. He's got the data"

I widened my eyes,"Wow." That was fast.

"But he needs us to do something."

What could Mr.Kim possibly want us to do?

"He wants us to visit South Korea."

I exhaled nodding taking the information in. I was not expecting that,"I guess we're going to South Korea."

Guess we're going to South Korea..where it all started.

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