Waltz twirled the drink in his glass, listening to the music the owner of the club played on the piano. Normally everyone was dancing to modern upbeat music but when he played, everyone stopped their conversations and dancing. The music he played and sang was different from what was played but regardless everyone who came here appreciated it. It was the third time Waltz heard him play. His gaze went to three girls he had brought with him. If it had not been for them he probably never would have found this place. Seeing them enjoy themselves was what he initially did it for but he came to enjoy the 'supernatural only' evenings as well. Many of the people here were able to drop their human disguises. Waltz however did not leave his human form. His gaze went to Erik who sang the song of which he played the melody to on the piano. ''The curse of perpetual sleep my kiss couldn't break. Do you not hear us scream or hear us cry. Princess when is it to Heaven you'll fly on those silver wings when you do die. Open your eyes and see me now, I wish I could save you from Heaven's grasp but I need you to tell me how...'' those words somehow made Waltz admire the passion this man revealed with the song. A type of admirable vulnerability which was actually one of the reasons Waltz did not play himself anymore the past several months. A piano was ruthless when it came to displaying your heart and soul. The song ended and everyone clapped. Erik's coppery hair softly reflecting in the lights as he got on his feet, giving a deep bow.
With his sleeve Erik wiped some sweat of his brow and thanked everyone. It did not take long for the people to leave though after exchanging a few friendly words. Waltz however was not able to keep relaxing as three girls, two Faeries and a fox demon came towards him. ''Ready to go home?'' Waltz asked and the three nodded. ''Alright. Back into your human forms then.'' he said and the three having forgotten they were not under glamour did so hastily. After they got their coats and stood outside one of the girls warmed up her hands by rubbing them together. ''Is the weather really going to become colder?'' she asked. ''Very much so.'' Waltz said. ''But don't worry. It will be fine. We have clothes for that after all.'' he removed his fingerless gloves giving them to her before. ''Put these on.'' he said with a smile. His smile vanished when he heard a female voice. ''Let go of me... I need to get home...'' ''It is fine we only need you for a moment.'' when he looked to the direction of the voices he noticed five men pushing a girl out of sight into an alley. ''Go back inside. You are not in the human world that long yet. Would not want to lose any of you three.'' he said making the three girls nod and watch him follow group.
The girl was pinned against the wall, with one guy leaning against the bricks on both sides intimidatingly close to her. Two others were blocking her path as well while the last one looked around probably to make sure they were not disturbed. ''Come on babe it is just energy. ''Sorry... uhm I... I can not give you any. I need energy to keep my glamour spell up.'' she whispered. ''What?'' one of the men who stood next to her slammed his fist against the wall making the girl yelp. ''Come on now. We really really need it. A fine specimen such as yourself can easily get that energy back. After all you are a Succubus right? First you show your true form and now you are telling us you are not going to give us energy? You only need to fuck a human to get it back.'' he grinned. ''Yea is that not what Succubi are good for? Come to think of it you can get sexual energy from us while we take blood..'' one spoke on a low voice. ''B-blood?...'' the girl replied looking at the men. ''Oh yea good one. It is a win-win. And yes miss. Blood. You see, we are Mohr Dran Su. We rely on blood to energise us.'' one of the men who blocked her way said before he dropped his glamour, turning his skin dark silvery blue, hair flowing as if he was in water and yellow eyes. The nails black as the night grew longer and sharp. From his back a set of metallic green transparent dragonfly wings. ''As an added bonus, when we take blood from you you turn into a Nymphomaniac. Well you are a succubus so there will not be a big difference... now. I am growing inpatient.'' his hand went towards the girl but something falling on the ground caught his attention. On the ground he saw his comrade toppled over, next to him a pair of boots. When his eyes followed those boots up he saw a man with half long dark hair looking far from amused. ''She said no didn't she. So let her be.'' Waltz said calmly. ''And who the hell do you think you are.'' one of the men said. ''The guy who is going to kick your asses if you do not let her go.'' he said and looked at the girl. ''Are you alright?'' he asked and she gave a weak nod. ''Don't worry I will not let these creatures use you.'' he said with a smile. The girl could only nod again and Waltz looked at the remaining four who laughed. ''What is with that look huh? Is she yours? Should have been there before us then.'' the transformed one said. The other three soon followed with that example. ''Also you are outnumbered. And this is the human world. Using magic is not permitted.'' he said to Waltz. ''Hmm let's see. One, two, three, four, the fifth is already down. Hmm you are right. I am outnumbered. As for the rules, I feel like breaking them a little today.'' Waltz said with a lopsided grin. ''Get him. Not to worry this young demon whore has enough blood for all of us.'' he largest one spoke. ''Can you control your Lilith armor?'' Waltz asked and she nodded again. ''Cover yourself as best as you can. I will be with you in a moment.'' He took a fighting stance now regretting not wearing his gloves but he knew as well that he could handle them as long as he was careful. ''Show us what you got.'' the leader said. ''Well alright. You asked for it.'' Waltz said with a shrug. He smirked before he seemed to vanish within a blink of an eye only to reappear in front of one of the two creatures giving him a punch in his face. The second of the Mohr Dran Su that were not against the wall responded by wanting to hit Waltz with his razor sharp nails but Waltz hit the arm away by hitting the creature so hard against the underarm that it broke. Standing exactly in the middle of these two Waltz dealt each a blow against the stomach hard enough for them to be moved five meters away falling on the ground unmoving but groaning in pain. ''You bastard!'' the second creature that had stood by the wall charged at Waltz as well. Waltz dodged the nails and fist gracefully moving his body around him giving it a hit against the throat. The fourth that still stood by the girl with a screech opened his mouth. A long tongue coming out of it which looked like a lamprey made its way to Waltz only he caught it, moved behind the third and grabbed his wrist using the nails to cut through the tongue that made an attempt to latch itself on his skin dropping the cut off piece on the ground where it twitched.

~Seduce me~|| ~FanFiction~ || ~Seven Demons all around you~|| Incubi x reader||
FanfictionIn the Abyssal Plains, the incubi befriended one of their father's slaves. They however failed in taking her with them when escaping with the help of Mika's grandfather. A man descended from a bloodline of monster hunters who looked at the family jo...