Chapter 21 ~ Matthew route 7 ~ Promise

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November seven, wednesday. I had not seen Waltz at school this week which was actually the first time. Thus far he had always been here. The Dean told me that Waltz had something going on in the family and I hoped he had not gotten into trouble with his sister. But the dean told me too that he was not expecting to be gone for very long. Him being gone though also meant that I had to do the library work alone. But that was not all. I got a phone call from Marseus, if I would be able to work in the café after school because one of the Wednesday employers couldn't make it, and he expected it to be busy because of some kind of party. Marseus would be able to pick me up. I figured to ask the brothers first who agreed but ddi tell me I should not make it to late if possible. As promised, Marseus picked me up from school after I was finished there. ''Have you eaten yet?'' he asked and I shook my head. ''You can eat at the café. Thank you for filling in. I know how busy your schedule is.'' he said clearly feeling guilty. ''I'll live.'' I assured him.

After a quick bite, I got to work. The party apparently was an anniversary of a couple with kids. Why they picked a wednesday to celebrate was beyond me but they were friendly and neither did they stay to late. After the guests had left I texted the boys that I was done with work and that I could be picked up. While he waited, all of us drank a cup of coffee. Most of us anyway. ''Winter Spice Tea for you.'' Marseus said as he put down a cup of piping hot tea in front of me. ''Thank you.'' I said as I wrapped my hands around it to warm them. ''Thanks again for coming, you have school after all so you only work on the Saturdays and on holidays. It was not to much for ya right?'' Braydon asked and I shook my head. ''You needed it. I didn't know this place was so packed during weekdays.'' I admitted. ''Well normally we aren't but the moment someone does make a reservation here for multiple people it is more difficult with the usual staff. I would not have mind to gamble it and that the guests had to wait a bit longer if the anniversary party had not been here with one less waiter but I do not want to overwork everyone. This place after all is a place where I want people to relax. This counts also for the staff. Yes, we have stressful moments during peak hours but I still want all of you to enjoy yourself.'' Marseus said as he sipped his coffee.

After I finished my tea and got up. We still had to clean the place up before one of the brothers would come here. I took the two bags of trash before Braydon could. ''You sure? It is cold outside.'' he said and I smiled. ''I am holding them already it is not that much of a problem. I'll be back before you know it.'' I said and headed outside where the large dumpster was. After throwing the trash away, I rubbed my hands, breathing in them. This weather was way to cold for cosplay outfits like these. Still the outside air being as cool as it was, refreshed me a bit too. I looked up to the sky but there was to much light pollution to see even the brightest of stars. ''Oh well.'' I said with a sigh and was about to turn around to head back inside when instead someone spun me back, forcing me against the wall pressing my face against the cold stone. ''My my what do we have here... '' the voice that spoke was smooth and male and from the sound of it it was someone in his late teens or early twenties. He reeked of sulphur, cigarettes and another scent which despite familiar I could not place. Neither was he alone. I could hear two hounds growling and in the corner of my eye I saw one of them. Roughly I got turned around so we could see one another. The red skin and white hair was a clear giveaway. A Devil. He had a long face and long white hair bound in a tail. ''What were you daydreaming about darling?'' he continued. I did not answer him making the hounds bark until their owner commanded them to stop. ''Do not worry sweetcakes, they will not harm you...'' the man continued. ''Not unless I give the command but then again. They are not actually mine, and very hungry.'' the man said with a teasing tone. ''What do you want?'' I asked. ''Well you look cold. Maybe I can fix that.'' the man said as he brought his face closer to mine. ''I have no interest in having any form of contact with a Devil.'' I replied coldly. As I spoke I looked at the hounds. Of course they had to be Hellhounds. Seeing them made me glad I had not called out for Marseus or my colleagues. Devils tended to kill everything they got their hands on. It made me wonder why he was taking his time with me. If he was taking his time though perhaps I could find out a way to get away. ''Ahw no need to be so mean. I mean well...'' he continued. ''For yourself you mean.'' I answered. ''Oh no not for me, for Goliath and Naves.'' both hounds reacted with a bark when hearing their names. ''Of course, I will love to watch. You know, we have been looking for you for quite a while actually. Malix would love having a short chat with you. You cost him most of his soldiers so it is time to pay up. Maybe he will just film it as these dogs ravage you. But first, I want you to tell me something. What, did you do with Eris.'' I could feel his breath in my ear. ''Eris? I do not know any Eris.'' I replied. ''LIAR!'' The man shouted.

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