Chapter 25 ~ Sam route 11 ~ I love you, Aomaris. I love you too, you doofus

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((Sorry for the wait, but here is the final chapter of the route for Sam. Next up, will be James. Stay tuned :D ))

Slowly sounds started to become clear to me. I heard sobs and someone whispering my name over and over. Someone was holding me. His body shaking. I recognised the voice as Sam's. My eyes fluttered open. The stench of blood was everywhere. I could not see much and noticed I was held against Sam's chest. ''S-Sam...'' hearing me say his name made Sam stop sobbing and hold me less tight making me able to move. Only a bit though, my body felt weak. ''[___]...?'' when he felt my breath against his skin he gently put a inches of distance between us. ''[___]... you're alive... you are actually alive!'' Sam said before holding me tight resting his head on my shoulder. ''You... fucking... doofus... never... never do that again...'' he sobbed. ''[___]...'' Damien said surprised and still not sure what had happened I looked at Damien who just like Sam had cried for a good while. Was this heaven? I was certain that I had died and yet... I could feel my heart beating in my chest. ''Im... impossible...'' Diana said but smiled in relief. ''You... you're alright...'' Matthew said carefully as if frightened to shatter a dream. ''You're alright!'' Matthew's words were soon followed by an embrace causing Sam to be sandwiched between us. Soon Erik followed with James and Damien. ''Angel... never scare us like that again...'' Erik whispered. I was still puzzled at what had happened but enjoyed the warmth for a bit. Even Diana had joined. ''If you all keep hugging me this tight I will not be able to breathe anymore...'' I whispered. Slowly they all let me go, Sam helping me on my feet.

''What happened...'' I asked looking at all of them. ''Where is Waltz...'' I noticed quickly that he was not there. ''Waltz is dispelling the rock dome around the castle with Saero... we might want to inform him you're alive... '' Diana said clearly sounding relieved that I hadn't. ''What is the last you remember?'' Damien asked. ''The Demonlord he... was still alive and materialised a sword to kill Sam but I pushed him away and got hit instead... the rest is vague...'' I answered. ''After you were struck down I ordered Waltz to heal you and I fought my father using the magic the dragon gave me. Waltz helped but you had lost too much blood and lost consciousness. We thought you died...'' Sam said still not believing I was breathing. ''Using the dragon's magic was an understatement though... you partially turned into a dragon...'' Diana said making Sam looked at her surprised. ''She is not lying. You had scales, even a dragon's wing and claws!'' Matthew said and I smiled. ''I did?'' Sam asked. Clearly not having registered the change in appearance. ''Still... you are ok right? I mean actually ok?'' Erik asked worried. ''Well, I have zero energy left but I was lucky I suppose...'' I could hear rock crumbling and small rays of light came through the cracks of the barrier. ''Let's go... I've been in this castle long enough... I could use some fresh air.'' Sam said and picked me up. ''Oi!.. Sam!..'' He hugged me close while holding me against him, carrying me like a bride. ''I thought I lost you...'' he whispered and I gently wrapped my arms around his neck. ''I am here now.'' I replied. ''Likewise.'' Sam said and casted one more look at his father's corpse. The swords had vanished and there was an emptiness about him he could not place. Not that he cared though.

When we reached the courtyard the stone barrier had completely been taken down. Outside of it it seemed more carnage had taken place as the Demonlord's armies had been killed off. ''Father!'' Diana called out and rushed towards a man who welcomed Diana in open arms. Waltz was looking at the sky still in his Angel clothes. ''Not to worry Waltz, I am not up there yet.'' I said making him look around and gasp. ''... no way... [_2_]...'' he rushed towards Sam and me to make sure it was not a trick. ''Easy... Waltz...'' I started but could not break through Waltz' mumbling. ''You're alive... actually alive... but how? You... You...'' ''It does not matter Waltz I am alive now. And am planning to keep it that way for a long time to come.'' I said. ''But resting sounds very appealing now...'' I was exhausted. ''Yea... sleep sounds very good right now.'' Damien admitted. ''Let's go home then.'' James said looking tired as well. ''Yea... about that. I brought you all here, but have no energy left whatsoever. Do you have any idea how taxing it was healing the wound she had? We will be stuck here until I've had a proper rest.'' Waltz replied. ''So be it.'' Matthew grinned. ''If you can not leave yet feel free to stay at Lilith castle. As my guests of course. We have a lot to celebrate.'' Diana said clearly exhausted. ''We gladly accept that offer.'' James said relieved. ''I had not managed to check before but I wonder if my old room is intact.'' Waltz said with a smile. ''Yea... forget it. Last time we even slept in Lilith castle was a few millennia ago and after that we struck our names from history.'' I said with a smile. ''I suppose you're right.'' Waltz replied with a sigh before we all started to walk.

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