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"Babe you okay in there?" I heard Ansel say.

"Uh yea I think so." I yelled.

I think I'm pregnant. I went into my mom's bathroom and looked in the cabinet and there were 2 pregnancy tests in there. I took one and it was a little white stick that you have to pee on. I started pacing back and forth as I waited for the results. Im only 17 I can't have a baby. My parents will kill me and Ansel has to leave for Insurgent in a few months I can't be pregnant. After the longest 5 minutes of my life I looked at the test. It was positive. I'm pregnant. I immediatly collapse to the ground and cry. I can't have a baby. "Oh my god." I muttered

"Kenz can I come in?" He asked


"What's wrong?"

"Look" I said pointing at the pregnancy test.

"Holy Shit." He was more surprised than I was. He hugged me. I thought he was gonna be mad but this isn't all my fault.

"Kenz, we can do this don't worry." He said. "

"No we can't. You're leaving soon. I'll be all alone. You're gonna miss the baby being born and watching it grow up. I don't want it growing up without a father around." I said

"I'm gonna be around. You can come to Georgia with me for Insurgent."

"But what about my parents? They're gonna want to see my baby when it's born."

"Then get an abortion Kenz, everything I'm suggesting isn't good enough for you so do what you want."

"Did you really just say that? I'm not getting an abortion because your being a selfish idiot. This baby is gonna be born with or without you." I said as I got up and walked to bedroom. I layed down on the pillows and cried. Not only is my baby not gonna have a father. I wont have the love of my life.

Lucky I'm in Love With My Best Friend (Ansel Elgort)Where stories live. Discover now