I hate him

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I took Lauren to go grocery shopping with me while Ansel spoke to his manager on the phone. When we got back I didn't bring anything in because I don't want to drop Lauren. I'll let Ansel bring the groceries in. I unlocked the door.

"Ansel can you- OH MY GOD." I screamed. There she was. Violetta. In bed with Ansel. My heart broke into millions of pieces.

"It's not what it looks like." Ansel said.

"Bullshit. Your sleeping with her again. I'll never be enough for you." I started to cry.

"Kenz-" He said.

"Don't. We're leaving. I hope you enjoyed your time with Lauren cause you'll never see her or me again." I said as I ran out. I went to Nat's house. I have no where else to go.

"Why would he do that?" Nat asked.

"I don't know. I thought he loved me but I was wrong. I hate him. I fucking hate his guts." I said crying.

"Mackenzie. I'm here for you. You can stay here as long as you need."

"Thanks Nat."

"No problem you stay in the first room on the left."

"Ok." I said as I walked to the room. It had a crib in it. I don't know why. Maybe Ansel was gonna stay there when he was gonna leave me. I hate him so much. He means nothing to me.

Lucky I'm in Love With My Best Friend (Ansel Elgort)Where stories live. Discover now