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3 years later

I'm not single anymore. I'm dating my co-star from The Fault in Our Stars, Shailene Woodley. I haven't forgotten about Mackenzie but she means nothing to me now. Lauren is 11 now. She understands what happened and she looks at Shai like a mom. It's crazy how fast my life is going by but I love it. Life is good.

So yea guys that's it this story is over. I hope you liked it! I'm going to be writing another story called Hide. I wrote a few parts of it but I didn't publish it. So if you guys like teen romance i reccomend it and I wrote Stars a Nash Grier fan fic so you can read that too. I love you guys and thank you so much for supporting my story and voting the chapters and commenting such nice things it means so much to me! 😘😘

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