We're Gonna Get through this

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I finally found her. She went home.


"Stop. Please don't I need to find the pills. Where are they?" She said throwing everything out of the drawers in the bathroom.

"Stop now Mackenzie. You can't kill yourself, it won't solve any problems. If anything it will create more problems. I love you and you have everything you need right here. Your fine. Stay please."

"You don't get it Ansel! I'm trapped my only problem is myself so if i get rid of myself then problem solved."

"No. You will still be you even if your dead. But do you know how much pain I'll be in if you die? Kenz I can't live without you. Those 3 years I left you I woke up everyday and hated myself more and more everyday. Everyone makes mistakes that's why it's your job to live with them because you can't change the past." She leaned in and wrapped her arms around my neck. She cried as she hugged me tightly.

"We're gonna get through this Kenz."

Hey guys sorry for such a short chapter I've been busy. But I just want to point out that all of the past few chapters are just saying that suicide is never the answer. You may feel alone sometimes but there is always someone that cares about you! If any of you need someone to talk to I'm always here and you can message me! 😊😘

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