I want this

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"Kenz, what's wrong? Who was that?" Ansel asked.

"It was Nash he's killing himself." I said.

"No he's not Mackenzie he's lying to you he just wants you back and he knows that your a caring person and you'll go back."

"Ansel, your being really heartless right now he's about to kill himself and he obviously needs help."

"So what are you gonna do to help him? Have sex with him? Cause you know that's all he wants."

"Fuck you Ansel. I'm sorry I'm trying to a friend to the poor kid he's depressed."

"So your gonna fix his depression by sleeping with him."

"I don't know but he needs a friend and if it has to be me then it's gonna be me." I walked out the door and drove to Nash's house.

"Hey." He said opening the door.

"Hey." I said.

"I can't believe you actually came. You look beautiful."


"So do you mind if we talk for a minute?"


"I know you love Ansel, but-"

"Let's not talk about Ansel okay, I'm here to help you."

"Okay so are you like ready?"


"Let's go to my room." He said leading me upstairs.

"So what-" He interupted me and kissed me passionatly. I couldn't pull away I wanted this. Something new. Different. Nash.

I slept with Nash again. But I don't feel guilty. I want this.

This is a chapter I've been thinking about writing for a while but I wanted to make it perfect so here it is. I'm so sorry about the lack of updates I've been super busy lately. If you guys have requests or things you want to see in the story soon let me know. 😊

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