I'm right here

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Taehyung woke up to thrashing next to him. He heard low grunts and whines and a lot of hissing. He was a little disoriented but quickly realized he was at Namjoons house and the thrashing was Jeongguk. He switched on the light and the sight in front of him broke his heart. Jeongguk was in tears. He was clutching the cast and it looked like he was trying to rip it off.Tae placed his hands on Jeongguks arms.

"I will get your pain meds."

"Its not .. It is squeezing my hand. I cant feel my fingers." Jeongguk gasped in pain. Taehyung looked at his finger tips and they looked like they were turning purple. "Shit your hand is swelling and the cast is too tight." Taehyung ran from the room and pounded on Namjoons door.

"What! Whats wrong!?" Namjoon said as he yanked open the door. He saw Taehyung with tears in his eyes. "Oh god Jeongguk.." Namjoon ran past him. Jin was right behind him holding a small black duffle bag that said emergency on it with a red cross. They rushed to Jeongguk who was so close to screaming his face was bright red.

"Move Joonie. Let me help." Jin said softly pulling Namjoon away. "Jeongguk tell me what is happening."

"I cant.. I cant" he huffed. His breathing was labored and Jin reached into a small duffle bag.

"He said it feels like the cast is cutting off circulation. He has discoloration on his fingertips. i think his cast is too tight for the swelling he is experiencing." Taehyung said standing next to Namjoon and rubbing his back.

"Youre right." Jin said taking out a pair of medical scissors. "Im going to cut it off."

Jeongguks eyes went wide. "They said i need it."

"You do, i have a splinting kit. I will splint it and they will have to recast it." Jin placed the scissors on a blue disposible sterile cloth. "Tae i need an assist. You have to hold him still."

"Hold him still? I think.. I think i can do that without holding him down."

"I dont care. Namjoon.. Namjoon?" Namjoon was terrified. Jin sounding worried scared him. "Joonie baby."

Namjoon snapped out of it. "Yeah?"

"His pain medicine. I need it."

"Yeah ok its downstairs." Namjoon turned and ran.

"Ok Kook. Its going to feel better in a minute." Jin soothed. "Go ahead Tae."

Taehyung kneeled in front of Jeongguk and started to sing the song Jeongguk had sang to him before the went to bed, brushing his fingers through his hair. Jeongguk looked into his eyes and his breathing seemed to calm. It still hurt so much but Tae singing was so distracting he barely noticed Jin cutting his cast off.

"Its ok Kookie i got you." Taehyung whispered and Jeongguk grabbed at him with his other hand. The sound was scary in Taehyungs ears. Jeongguks whimpering and the crunching ripping sound of the scissors breaking through the cast. "Kookie we got this." Taehyung reassured him over and over.

Namjoon stumbled into the room and looked away when he saw the purple swollen mess that was his little brothers hand.

"Joonie tell me what the bottles say." Jin said calmly.

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