out of the wood work

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"Jeongguk! Hey!" The girl waved frantically. Jeongguk just lifted his hand and gave a tight smile.

"Tae listen to me." Taehyung turned his head eyebrows scrunched together. "That girl. Her name is Lisa."

"Im not really worried about girls Jeongguk."

"I dated her in high school." Jeongguks eyes were pleading.

"Your bi?" Taehyung asked. It was fine with him but another level of annxiety to work through.

"No.. It was before i came out. I had a lot of issues in high school being the jock guy and coming out wasnt the top of my to do list." He was rushed as he saw Lisa walking toward the table. "Just know you have nothing to worry about. Im gay. 100%! Ok?" Tae nodded a little bewildered.

"Jeongguk! I didnt know you went here!" Lisa leans down and hugs Jeongguk tightly then kisses his cheek.

"Yeah. Art major." Jeongguk just nodded with the fakest smile on his face.

"Ive missed you!" Lisa scooted a chair over right next to Jeongguk and trying to take his hand. "Oh my god what happened!?"

"Lisa.. This is my boyfriend Taehyung!"

"Funny. Hi im Lisa." She reached over Jeongguk to shake Taehyungs hand. "We were high school sweet hearts."

"He mentioned that." Taehyung seemed annoyed.

"No Lisa, hes really my boyfriend." Jeongguk took his phone off the table and showed her the screen.

"You have got to be kidding me." She took the phone from Jeongguks hand and tried to open it. "Its locked."

"No shit?" Jeongguk snatched his phone back.

"But we were together for three years." Lisa smirked at Taehyung.

"Its called the closet. And youre refered to as a beard." Taehyung laughed. "Let me guess. You guys kissed but it never went any further?"

Lisa smiled a bit about to interrupt but Taehyung held up his hand.

"He wasnt interested in your.. Parts. He probably thought you were nice. Tolerable to be around and you would ask but you werent pushy. He might have even let you blow him but sweety hes gay." Taehyung went back to eating ignoring Lisa and Jeongguk.

"You were nice. I liked you a lot. As a friend. Im sorry i never told you. Thats my fault. I didnt want to hurt you anymore than i had to when we broke up. Thats shitty but its true." Jeongguk was trying to smooth this over it was his fault after all.

"But you said.."

"I love Taehyung." Taehyung stopped midchew and stared at Jeongguk wide eyed. "Im sorry Lisa. It was an asshole thing to do and i wish i could go back and fix it but i cant. Taes not having the best day and this isnt helping. We just want to enjoy lunch before we head home.. Together." Jeongguk didnt yell. He didnt sound cold. Like Jeongguk usually did wjen he was in the wrong he sounded sincere.

"I get it i guess. High school isnt really gay kid friendly." Lisa nodded. "Sorry Taehyung i didnt mean to upset you. I was just kind of shocked."

"Yeah totally." Taehyung tried to swallow but hes still a bit behind. I love Taehyung playing on repeat.

"Maybe we could all hang out sometime? Later.. Much later." Lisa smile directed right at Tae.

"Yeah.. sure." Tae watched as Lisa put her chair back and gave Jeongguk another hug says she was glad he was happy and apologized again.

"Baby?" Jeongguk sounded guilty.

"Mm." Tae wasnt angry. He was confused. Had he said he loved him just to get Lisa to stop? Thats probably it. They had only been together half a day. They barely knew eachother.

"You angry?"

"Any other past girlfriends or boyfriends or crushes coming at me today?" Tae said taking the last bite of his sandwich and dusting off his fingers.

"Not that im aware of." Jeongguk wanted a hole to swallow him. He was feeling the pain meds now. A slight numbness was spreading and he was feeling tired. And guilt. A lot of guilt.

"How many?"

"How many what?" He wasnt ready for this conversation. He wasnt in his head enough.

"How many exes or whatever. People youve been with?" Taehyung looked at Jeongguk expectantly.

"Lisa is my only ex girlfriend. It was sophmore to senior year. I met a guy freshmen year of college and we fooled around a lot but we didnt really date. Jimin was last year."

"Three? Really?!" Taehyung mouth hung open. He was really one person away from being done with Jeongguks past.

"Im usually really shy. I dont know what it is about you that brought me out of my shell but i didnt chase people. I didnt sleep with anyone really until that one guy. Besides that i keep to myself." Jeongguk sounds sleepy it took him a lot longer to get all that out.

"Are you going to ask me?" Taehyung watched Jeongguk waiting for him to ask.

"Anyone i should be aware of? Am i competing for you and i dont know it?" He didnt even look up. He was afraid to get an answer he couldnt handle.

"No. No competition."

"I dont care then. Your past is your past. If you want to share it you can. I wanted to know about Bo-Gum because he hurt you. Unless someone else was an asshole to you?"

"No." Tae wanted to hold him. His drooping eyes and gravely voice. "You didnt eat."

"Its cool ill eat it later."

"Lets go Kookie." Tae stood up holding out his hand.

Guk shook his head to wake himself up. "Yeah. Lets go." He put on his bag and grabbed Taehyungs before he could reach it.

"I can carry that."

"Nope... just make sure i dont bump anyone."

Tae laughed leading Jeongguk out of the cafeteria. His smile was wide and when he looked over at Jeongguk he had a sleepy smile on his face.

Maybe today wasnt great but cuddling this big mush would make up for it.

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