playful sweetness

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The alarm went off and Taehyung stretched over Jeongguks sleeping body to shut it off. 645. Ughh.. Tutoring. Wonderful.

Ooo yay Jeongguks coming.He was instantly wide awake. Tae pounced back onto Jeongguks back.

"Kookieeeeee" he yelled playfully.

"Ugghh Tae. Its too early. 10 minutes please." He said covering his head with his pillow.

"You promised Kookie. You are suppose to scare the people who are mean to your baby today!" He sang in Jeongguks direction.

"Oh." Jeongguk popped up on his forearms letting the pillow fall on the floor. "Thats right." He Rubbed his face roughly then hopped out of the bed and stretched. Tae stared wide eyed at Jeongguks naked body. He doesnt know why he expects it to look less toned in the morning.

"Youre so hot Kookie." Tae blurted out and quickly covered his mouth blushing.

"Not so bad yourself babyboy." Jeongguk grinned leaning over his bed and kissing Taes forehead. "Do i have time to shower?"

"Ye..yeah. Um hows the hot water situation?"

"Better if you share." Jeongguk winked.

"No funny business." Tae scolded scooting himself off the bed. "I cant be late again."

"Hmm. Ok ill make you a deal?"

"Oookay?" Taehyung was doing his best to look at his boyfriends face.

"I will meet you in there. I have to do a few things before i shower." Jeongguk got dangerously close. "And im giving you a hickey. Just there." He pointed to the spot just below Taes ear.

Tae shivered. "I dont hear a deal here."

"I will fuck you in the study room?" Jeongguk questioned.

"Oh .. Yeah.. Thats .. Thats good." Tae nodded more than necessary. "What do you have to do before you shower?"

"You really want to know?" Jeongguk raised his eyebrow.

"Yeeess?" Taehyung wasnt sure now.

Jeongguk grabbed a pair of boxers and slid them on. "About 120 pushups .. So about half for the day i can do the rest later and 2 or 3 minute plank. Then some tricep work. Maybe a few sit ups at the end."

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