Namjins getting married

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"But why are you nervous its just Namjoon hyung." Tae said shaking his head as he sat watching Lisa running a flat iron through Seokjins hair while they sat in a hotel room at the beach venue where Jin and Namjoon were getting married.

"I am getting married you idiot!" Jin said throwing his uneaten bagel at Taehyung. Lisa laughed holdung the flat iron away from them as she leaned against Jins shoulder.

"Stop! I will burn you if you keep making me laugh!" She complained.

"I will end you if you ruin my face!"

"Whoa. Calm down." Lisa laughed.

"Anyway. Youre getting married to Namjoon. The guy you've been obsessed with since your freshman year of college. You went through all those fights and struggling in school and residency and all that and now youre getting married. To the guy that deals with more of your bullshit than even I can manage." He chuckles placing Jins bagel on the plate beside him as Lisa bites her lip trying not to laugh.

"For real!? I am a delight!" Jin scoffed and then laughed. "He is really something amazing isn't he?" 

"Yeah. Something is definitely in the water at that house! How did they even end up with two amazing gay sons?" He looked in the mirror checking his hair.

"We should test their blood. I will collect Joons you get Kookies!" Jin laughed until he felt tears in his eyes. "Yah! No crying, face!" 

"Did you just yell at your own face?" Lisa said trying not to laugh.

"Im not about to look bloated and puffy for the rest of eternity in my wedding pictures." Jin looked at Tae in the mirror, inspecting his neck.

"They are all under the shirt Seokjin. You said no hickies and Kook wasn't trying to die before we get married."

"That's my good boy." Jin smiled.

"My good boy." Tae huffed.

"Pfft good." Lisa scoffed. "Explains the hickey shaped initials on your chest."

"What!" Jins eyes widdened.

"You didnt see!" Lisa asjed in surprise.


"I didnt realize he was doing it!" Tae said defensively.

"Sexy as fuck though." She said unplugging the iron and setting it down. "Done."

"You look really handsome Jinnie Hyungie. I am so happy for you." Tae smiled.

Jin looked up at him and grabbed his hand. Tae could see the tears building in his eyes. 

"Im just happy you made it here. That even though all this shit happened this past year, you made it." 

Tae wiped a tear from falling down his cheek.

"Don't you  make me cry Kim Taehyung! We will fight!"

Tae laughed grabbing a tissue and blotting his eyes. "Sorry Hyungie. Im just so happy im here too. With you and with them. My family is here and soon this will be me and youll be standing there trying to make me laugh off the nerves." Tae could feel the knot building in his throat as it got tighter and harder to talk. "Damn it." He laughed wiping a few more tears.

"Damn it Taehyung!" Jin sniffed and grabbed the whole box of tissue.

"Oh my god this is too much." Lisa grabbed a few tissues.

"Just wait until I give my best man speech!" Tae laughed.

"I swear if you make me ugly cry at my wedding, in front of cameras, I will never speak with you again!" Jin said throwing the box of tissues at Tae.

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