a little Namjin❤

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"Seeeoookkkjjiiiinnnn." Namjoon sang stumbling into the house with Yoongi desperatly trying to hold this friken giant up.

"Namjoon seriously!! I cant hold your gangly ass up anymore!"

"Hey im not gangly. Im just taller than you shrimpy hyung!" Namjoon laughed.

"You know what.. Fall. I am leaving!" Yoongi went to remove his arm and felt Namjoon wobble. "Ugh.. Im putting you on the couch." He dragged Namjoon to the couch and heard Seokjin coming down the stair.

"Thank you Yoongi!" He said tieing his robe.

"Yeah yeah." Yoongi brushed off his shirt. "He is disgustingly in love with you. Its offputting."

"Thank you?" Jin stared at him with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Im going home." Yoongi turned to leave.

"To Jimin?" Jin chuckled while removing Namjoons coat.

"Yes. That little squirt is warm in my bed. I demand payment for dealing with his annoying friends."

"We are your friends too Yoongi." Jin smiled as Yoongi grunted and left the house.

"Seooooookkkjiiin!" Namjoon sang again. "My huusssbbbaannnddd."

"Yes sweety what cant i do for you?" Jin leaned in brushing Namjoons bangs back the way he liked them.

"I think.." Namjoon started trying to sit up. "Im in love."

"Thats great honey." Jin walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"This is serious!" Namjoon protested falling back into the couch.

"I know. Im listening." Jin handed him the bottle of water. "Drink."

"Im in love with you!" Namjoon said before drinking half the bottle of water.

"Good. Makes the getting married bit easier." Jin sat down next to him and patted his leg.

"Me and Kookie are good. You were right. Youre always right. Smart smart husband." Namjoon smiled closing his eyes.

"Did you tell him the plan?" Jin asked leaning into Namjoons side.

"The one where we elope to some place that recognizes our relationship." Namjoon slurred.

"Yeah that one." Jin laughed quietly.

"No. You said you wanted to announce that at christmas." Namjoon yawned and wrapped himself around Jin.

"Youre right. Is it selfish?" Jin asked warily.

"We are inviting them all. I dont think that can be considered selfish. Can we go to bed?"

"Of course Joonie. Come on lean on me." Jin said unwrapping him from around his body and standing up.

"Best husband ever." Namjoon huffed.

"Oh god i think im drunk just from your breath."

"I dont want to be drunk anymore." Namjoon mumbled as they tried to ascend the stairs.

"Ok Joonie. Its going to be ok." Jin stroked his back. "Are you going to be sick?"


"I will get the bucket."

Jin laid Namjoon down on the bed and helped him with his pants. "Sleep sweetheart." He took one of the extra pillows and slid it behind Namjoons back so he would stay on his side.

"Doctor Kim." Namjoon groaned making Jin smile.

"Yes Mister Kim." Jin laughed kneeling down next to the bed.

"I love you."

"I love you too husband." He watched as a huge smile appeared on Namjoons sleepy face and ran his fingers through his hair. "Im going to watch you for a while before i come to bed."

"Mmm to make sure i dont aspirate on vomit."

"Yes. Youre so smart sweety."

"No you!"

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