flowers candles and rosé

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"When you said get dressed up its date night i assumed we would be inside." Tae laughed as they walked down a dark path.

"Good thing you wore a coat for once." Guk pulled him in to his side and kissed his temple.

Sudden Tae gasped as he saw the path ahead lit up with a million small lights.

"You like it?" Jeongguk whispered against his ear.

"Its beautiful." He said quietly taking in the beautiful structure that came into view.


He heard faint music playing from somewhere.


"Shh just enjoy it sweetness."

He let Jeongguk lead him down the now lit path to the small table surrounded by more lights and candles and dozens and dozens of white and purple flowers.


"Hmm?" Jeongguk hummed pulling out a chair for him.

"Is today.. Did i forget something?" He tried to push his brain to think of every possible thing. White day had passed. Guk had given him too much chocolate and stuffed animals from a kids movie hed watched a few times while he was healing a new braclet and some saint laurent clothes.

"Nope." Guk smirked.

"Is that you singing?" He looked for where the speaker was.

"Yep. Every song is for you kitten."

He couldnt.. He couldnt be doing what i think hes doing. Tae thought looking around in wonder.

"I got the rosé wine you like." Jeongguk interrupted his train of thought.

"Th-thanks." He nodded picking up the glass and sipping the wine nervously.

"Distracted sweetness?" Guk asked taking a bite of his seafood pasta dish and looking at Taes still covered plate.

"Um.. What.. No im not distracted.. Just.. Taking it in. I wish i had my camera." He said finally looking at Jeongguk who went back to eating.

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