Last Chapter 😭

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Tae bustled around the kitchen putting the cut up melon in a bowl as he dodged the birthday girl who was trying to steal another piece.

"Just get a plate sweetie." He laughed as she stood on he toes on her stool to grab a plate from the counter.

"Appa, are we telling them today?" She asked excitedly. Her nose scrunching up like Jeongguks, something she mimicked of his husband since she was only months old.

"Yep. You did so well keeping the secret my little dumpling." He pinched her cheek.

"Appa im 6!" She pouted.

"Why is the princess pouting?" Jeongguk asked as he walked in the kitchen and stole a piece of melon.

"Papa! Appa called me little!" She flung herself at Jeongguk.

"But youre a big girl! Youre 6!" Jeongguk winked at Tae.

"My mistake princess Jinnie." Tae bowed at her and she giggle.

"Can i play outside until everyone comes?"

"Sure baby. Be careful." Jeongguk pushed the curtains wide open and pulled open the french doors so they could watch her play.

"Are you excited sweetness?" Jeongguk asked as he wraped his arms around Taes waist.

"Nervous?" He looked to his husband with his eyebrows pinched together.

"Why?" Jeongguk chuckled.

"This is a big deal Jeongguk. Our parents dont even know!"

"You wanted to wait until we were sure!"

They hear a car pull up and car doors close. Soo-jin runs into the house.

"Its Uncle Yoonie!" She screeches and she races toward the door.

"Slow down dumpling!" Tae calls after her.

"Sorry Appa! UNCLE YOONIE!!"

"MY PRINCESS!" Yoongi yells back making Tae and Guk laugh.

"What am i? Chopped liver?" Jimin asks as he follows his husband who is holding Soo-jin in his arms.

"I love you too Uncle Minnie but Uncle Yoonie is my favorite favorite." She says honestly making all the men laugh.

"Wheres the birthday girl!?" They hear Lisa call.

"Oh no im not done snuggling." Yoongi says when Soo-jin attempts to climb down.

"Hey guys!" Lisa says walking into the kitchen and kissing Taes cheek then Jeongguks before he kneels infront of her grabbing both sides of her round belly.

"Kick twice if shes holding you hostage." He says to her belly.

"Hilarious Guk." Hoseok shakes his head.

Tae smacks his shoulder as he giggles.

"Why doesnt Appas belly get big?" Soo-jin asks suddenly.

"What do you mean precious?" Jimin asks.

"SOO-JIN!" Another little girl runs in and Yoongi finally puts her down.

"Seon-koo!" They girls hug.

"Happy birthday!" The girls giggle as the hop together.

"Why dont you show kookie the new swing set?" Guk says as he grabs a pack of meat from the fridge.

"Oo Papa put together a big swing set for us!" Soo-jin says pulling her cousin outside.

"Is it safe?" Jin asks.

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