Top Tae

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"Damn thighs!" Taehyung said walking into the kitchen and eyeing Jeongguk who was cooking dinner in an undershirt and boxer briefs.

"Hey baby. How was class?" Jeongguk says stirring not pating much mind to his shocked boyfriend gawking at

"Umm.. Good weird today. Why are you in your underwear cooking?" Taehyung asking sitting on one of their stools next to the counter.

"Oh.. I was in the dark room. Spilt some chemicals on my pants then thought.. Its my apartment. I can wear no pants."

"I like this idea!" He smiled at Jeongguk.

"Classes were weird?" Guk asked plating some rice.

"Oh yeah.. So i dont know if its your clothes or what but people have been staring all day. Then this girl asked me if i owned a motorcycle and another girl kept talking to me and giggling. Usually people stay away from me or whisper but everyone was like oh hey Taehyung right?"

"Yeah i dont know why dark clothes tells people please come talk to me." Jeongguk chuckles. "Still looking like a fine ass daddy right now." He smiled placing Taes dinner infront of him. Taes mouth hung open as he eyed Jeongguk licking his fingers clean and then wiping his hands on a kitchen towel.

"Did you just call me Daddy!?" He couldnt believe his ears. Fuck. We are really doing this.

"Have you seen you today?" Jeongguk sat next to Tae and started eating. "Come on. You made promises. I can be just as much of a bratty bottom as you baby."

"I am not a bratty bottom." Tae says crossing his arms and pouting.

"Mhm." Jeongguk poked his cheek making a smile crack his sulking face.

"How do i.. How do we.." He struggled to get out his thoughts. How do i fuck you like you fuck me seemed really harsh.

"Ive seen you dance kitten. Youve got this." Jeongguk smiled. "Eat."

"Have you done this before?" He pushed his food around on his plate hoping asking questions would help the nerves.

"Yeah. Freshmen year of college. That guy. I was experimenting with what i liked and that was part of it."

"Not with Minnie though?" He peeked at Jeongguk who had froze mid bite.

"No. We didnt. We did everything but that. No sexual intercourse."

"Thank god." He sighed dropping his chop sticks. "I wanted to ask for so long but like how do you ask that."

"Hey Guk did you and Jimin fuck?"

"Oh yeah. Super easy." He shoves Guks shoulder.

"Yeah baby. It really is." Jeongguk said brushing his fingers through Taes hair.

"Mm fine." He turned facing Jeongguk. "How do i fuck you like you fuck me?"

Jeongguk damn near choked. He grabbed his cup of water and started drinking it hoping the food lodged in his throat would go down. He looked at Taehyung who seemed to be waiting for an answer.

"Uuuhh.. So.."

"Come on hyungie. I dont want to be a sloppy virgin idiot. Just give me some tips so i don't hurt you."

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