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It had been a few weeks since the surgery. The day after was the worst but they made it through.

Everyone tried their best to help Jeongguk but as always Jeongguk was stubborn and knowing Christmas and Taes birthday were coming up he was getting tired of being a one handed idiot.

"Im going out." Jeongguk said pulling his jacket over his new much smaller brace.

"I will come with you!" Taehyung tried to close a bunch of books he had opened around him on the bed.

"Kitten i am going christmas shopping. You cant come. It will ruin the surprise." Jeongguk laughed.

"But your hand." Tae pouted.

"Fortunately for me.. I have two." Jeongguk walked up to the bed and place his left hand of Taes cheek. "Its fine. Its been nearly 3 weeks. I can manage to adult alone."

Tae leaned into Jeongguks touch letting out a soft purr like sound. They had done some tame things but with Tae always worried about Jeongguk over doing it. They even had their share of arguments over what he could handle doing.

"Please be careful hyungie." Tae pleaded looking up innocently at Jeongguk not wanting to fight again.

"Always." He chuckled kissing Tae softly before walking out of the room.

Tae sat for a while half worrying half studying as he watched the clock tick by. After a few hours of restlessness, and several typed and deleted where are you texts, he heard the apartment door open.

"Baby i picked up dinner." He heard Jeongguk call out. Tae scrambled off the bed and ran toward the kitchen leaping at Jeongguk who luckily caught him.

"You were gone forever." Tae said kissing on Jeongguks cold neck.

"Im sorry sweetness." Guk mumbled supporting Taes weight with one hand and resting his right hand on his back.

"Am i too heavy?" He asked realizing he wasnt touching the ground.

"Have i gotten that wimpy looking since my surgery?" Guk asked acting offended.

"No. I just dont want.."

"Me to over do it." Jeongguk smiled sitting Tae on the counter. "I know baby."

"Sorry i just worry." He pouted his fingers running gently through Jeongguks hair.

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