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Jeongguk walked into the resturant greeted by an excited hostess who adored him and Tae.

"Mr. Jeon!" She smiled brightly.

"Hey! How are you?" He smiled back fist bumping her and earning a few sideways stares from people waiting.

"Im good! Hes already here! We showed him to your table about 15 minutes ago. Are you late?" She giggled.

"Nope. He was early." He chuckled.

"Your drink will be there in a moment." She said picking up the phone to call the bar as Jeongguk walked to their usual table.

He stopped short to watch Tae looking through a magazine smiling softly as he placed a post-it back on the page.

"Hey there handsome." He said kissing Taes head "You look good enough to eat." he sat across from him.

"I ordered already. Should be here in a few minutes." Tae smiled up at him placing the magazine on the table. "But whenever you feel like it, I am always on the menu if its you."

"Mmm." He groaned taking Taes hand across the table and kissing his fingers.

 Tae smirked. "Jin warned you I was dressing up didn't he?"

"I will not throw my brother in law under the bus. Show me fancy wedding shit."

"So well spoken hyungie! How were you single when I found you?" Tae laughed shaking his head.

"I think it was I who found you sweetness."

"Think what you want." Tae laughed quietly. "Here I found a picture of the lodge in winter! Now tell me that isn't beautiful!"

 "Here I found a picture of the lodge in winter! Now tell me that isn't beautiful!"

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"It .. damn that's a good picture. Are these lights from inside? Is there a way to .. no I can do that after.. The lights you want on this dock here?"

"Yes! Maybe some around these windows. I see what youre saying about the... " Tae motioned to the picture. "We'd want to soften that a bit."

Jeongguk smiled at the waiter that quickly placed his beer on the table and bowed before walking away.

"Ok so we are sold on this?" Tae beamed at him and he couldn't help but return his excited smile.

"I think we are kitten."

"Great. Now I have center pieces and the cake picked out." He slid the pictures across the table and Jeongguk nodded liking how everything tied in together.

" He slid the pictures across the table and Jeongguk nodded liking how everything tied in together

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