Namjin Wedding 💒

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"Shit." Namjoon gasped standing just aside from where he was about to walk to the alter.

"Whats wrong!?" Guk said feeling his pocket to make sure he had the rings and checking his brother suit for stains.

"I forgot my vows! I cant think if a single fucking thing i wrote! I love you Seokjin. Thats all thats up here right now." He said hitting his temple.

"Nam. Nammy!" Guk grabbed his hands stopping him from hitting himself. "Thats all you need! Build off that."

He looked up at his little brother who was smiling at him and took a deep breath.

"Right. Youre right." He hopped in place for a second and shook out his arms.

"Youre weird." Jeongguk laughed. 

"I have all this energy all of a sudden and they expect me to stand still up there and I don't thing I can do that! I am like two seconds from jumping the fence and diving into the ocean for some relief!" He fidgeted looking over at the path of flowers.

Everything came out perfectly. The aisle covered in rose petals .. the chairs in the grass .. the arch. The sun was out and it was starting to cool a little as it got later in the day. Which was perfect when most of the wedding party was men in black suits.

"Im going to look like a sack of potatoes next to him." He smiled thinking of Jin and all the times hed admired him when they had to dress up for some reason. Be it a function at the hospital or something for the production company. 

"You look good Nammy. 007 good." Jeongguk said looking like he was getting a bit anxious as well.

"Howd we end up with these amazingly handsome men? We are good looking but next to them its like "oh look at that mildly handsome guy next to that fucking god!?"

"Fuck if I know. Tae has been like a little ball of horny energy all week. I am fucking exhausted." Guk laughed.

"Oh god Jin too! He keeps saying its me. He complains about you guys but seriously if he didn't shove his face in a pillow youd probably hear us just as often." Nam stilled suddenly. "Im having sex with my husband tonight."

"Yeah you are!" Jeongguk poked his shoulder.

"Oh god! Can this thing fucking start already! I fucking miss him!" 

"Its.." Jeongguk checked his watch. "Five minutes Nam."

"Hey my boy." Appa said approaching then with Eomma grasping his arm.

"Appa." Nam and Guk said together, both looking so tightly wound.

"Relax boys. They are on their way down now." Appa patted Namjoons shoulder. "Breathe son. This will seem like seconds as soon as it starts and then youll wonder what you were so nervous about."

"Appa, I forgot my vows." He looked into Appas eyes looking slightly panicked again.

"Speak from the heart son. Those are the best vows." He felt his father pat his chest gently.

"Ok. Its time." Eomma said as the music changed, his parents taking both his arms. "Go ahead Jeongguk. We will see you up there." 

Namjoon watch almost out of himself as his brother smiled again at him before heading to the altar. He was so grown up. Engaged and living with his fiancée. Happy and smiling and they worked together.  He loved him so much and he was so happy his baby brother was happy. 

"Alright sweetie. Lets get up there and get you married." Eomma said.

"Thanks Eomma."Namjoon whispered.

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