Canada 🇨🇦

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"Waaaait." Namjoon said patting his pockets as the whole family and their closest friends stood in line for check in at the airport.

"Youre good. I have it." Jin smiled kissing his cheek.

"Nammy man. With how much we travel how do you always lose that thing?" Jeongguk shook his head and jumped when Tae smacked his arm.

"Leave hyung alone." Tae said before he started pinching at Jeongguks chest.

"Stop. Stop." He laughed trying to block Taes hands.

"About to get married and still act like kids." Hoseok said.

"Its good for them. They will have a long happy life if they can still find joy in being together." Mrs. Kim said smiling at Jeongguks parents who nodded and agreed.

"Babe." Jeongguk whispered in Taes ear as they walked toward the check in for first class.


"Wheres your coat?" He ask his lips skimming Taes ear making him shiver.

"I.. I have it here." He pointed to the thick winter coat slung over his carry on.

"Thats my good kitten." Jeongguk smirked when he felt Tae shutter again.

"Youre teasing me intentionally arent you?"

Jeongguk chuckled back hugging Tae.

"Maybe i am."

"In an airport!" Jin whisper yelled at them.

"I was hoping in an airplane but airport bathroom will do." Jeongguk said unashamed making Tae blush.

"Namjoon! Make him stop!" Jin whined at his husband.

"If only i could.. Ahh.. Eomm.." Jeongguk launched at his brother covering his mouth.

"I was joking! We fucked this morning! Damn!"

"Good to know son." Mr. Kim patted his shoulder and he withered slightly.

"Mr. Kim.. Im.. Im so sorry.."

"Oh shut up Kookie. Appa leave him be!" Tae laughed.

Sitting in their first class seats Jeongguk felt restless, Tae had been snuggled up to his side for the entire morning and he felt the lose of him being confined to his own seat. He fidgetted and groaned when he couldnt get comfortable. 5 hours of not being able to hold him even though he was so close was really pissing Guk off.

"Hey whats wrong sweetie?" Tae said touching his hand that gripped the divider.

"I cant fucking get comfortable and theres this huge stupid thing between us. I literally want to skin the flight attendant alive every time she touches your arm." He threw his pillow at the tv infront of him.

"Hold on." Tae said quickly standing from his seat. Almost everyone else was asleep and he looked around to see what Tae was doing only to have him come around and sit on his lap.

He felt all the tension evaporate from his body and he hugged Tae tightly.

"Are you always this testy on international flights?" Tae chuckled kissing his soon to be husband head. "Because you were fine on the way to Hawaii."

"Only when they put the fucking great wall between me and my baby." Jeongguk grumbled into Taes chest feeling the vibrations of his quiet laugh.

"Sir you cant.." An attendant started.

"Test me lady." Jeongguk said holding Tae tighter.

"Is he ok?" She asked Tae.

"Bit nervous. He will be fine soon."  Tae mouth an apology as his ran his fingers in Jeongguks hair.

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