Aahana's conversation with her parents

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Sanjeev and Snigdha after being told by Rudra that Aahana loves a boy decide to talk to her about this before it's too late. They know that after their conversation their daughter's heart will break into million pieces and thus with a heavy heart they enter Aahana's room.
On entering they find her standing as silent as the dead near the window  staring into oblivion. She reacts after a lot of calling out from both Sanjeev and Snigdha facing them with a half hearted smile.
She is then asked to come and sit beside them as they have something very urgent to discuss with her regarding her future to which Aahana just nods.
Snigdha being the mother speaks first
Snigdha:" Aahana darling. As you know Rudra was hear on a break and before he left to join his work again he told us everything about this boy that you love.
She is interrupted in the middle by none other than Aahana who just says "However what Mom?"
Hearing her daughter's voice which sounded heavy owing to her constant sadness nowadays didn't know how to break the news to her. She thought that as a mother how could she break her daughter's heart and was staring at her husband for support.
Sanjeev sensed his wife's dilemma and decided to continue.
Sanjeev:" Aahana as parents our children's happiness has always been our top priority. We have always encouraged to both to pursue your passion and to follow your heart always.
At this point in life we as parents are here to ask you to give your happiness to us as this boy whatever his name is and where ever he might be from are not(takes a deep breath).
What I mean is that this boy and you are  not meant to be together.  Please don't ask us why but just know that we have chosen a boy for you and he is the one you will marry. So, it's in the best interest of both the families and for you specially that you forget this boy. Some love stories my daughter are not meant to be and it breaks me down from the core of my heart to say this but, your love story has to end in this tragic way".
Snigdha who had already walked out of the room before Sanjeev had started talking to Aahana was listening to all this standing outside her daughter's room though well hidden from her daughter's eyes for she knew she would not be able to see Aahana's condition after Sanjeev tells her to forget her first love.

Sanjeev thus decided to end the conversation and immediately leaves the room for he was finding it hard to control the tears that had formed in his eyes. He had to act strong and unaffected by it all in front of Aahana.
Aahana saw her father's retreating figure and once he was out of sight she threw herself on the bed crying herself to sleep.

Now, that was sad but it was needed.
After all to experience sheer bliss and joy sometimes it's necessary to go through pain.

We always talk about how much our parents love us specially about our mothers. I would like to however specially mention all the dads here for without them life is not the same. Dads are the first superhero of every girl and their princess forever.
Love you to the moon and back Mummy

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