Dev cooks for wifey dear

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The next morning Dev got up before Aahana as he wanted to surprise her. Well, he wasn't an expert like her but knew well how he could manage to surprise her and that was baking a lovely chocolate cake and preparing her favourite dishes though well aware of his cooking skills, an attribute which he wasn't too keen to learn but was now willing to add this to his traits if only to please his wife.
Thus, he could only think of his mother his saviour who would help him in achieving this otherwise impossible task and without wasting any time further he rushed to his parents room, barging right in and told his mother everything.
Aryan and Riddhi both looked at each other rubbing their ears to make sure if they had heard right. Dev was getting impatient now and pulled his mother's arms almost dragging her.
Riddhi asked Dev to get a grip on himself and sensing his growing impatience made her way towards the kitchen with Dev following closely behind. The servants were asked to lay the table and remain outside the kitchen only to enter on being called.

Riddhi told Dev that she would help him only if he followed her to the dot and to which he agreed. Now, they got busy preparing breakfast for Aahana. Riddhi wanted to make her daughter feel special and decided to go the extra mile by preparing a cake which would have chocolate sauce oozing out when cut open. Dev was following his mother's instructions down to every point making sure not to make any mistakes.
Soon, the dishes were ready with the cake in the oven and the trio made their way towards Aahana's room. When they were halfway to the room Dev suddenly realized what had happened last night but now it was too late and there was no way he could stop his parents. He started praying to God and hoping Aahana would be dressed by now. Thus, taking small steps behind his parents they halted outside the room. Riddhi thought of calling out to her before entering the room followed by her Dev and Aryan. Dev, heaved a sigh of relief on seeing his wife all dressed and what made him all the more happy was that she was wearing one of the dresses he had bought for her along with accessories to go with each and a small whistle escaped from his mouth.
Dev caught hold of her hands and took her downstairs straight to the dining table where all her favourite dishes were laid out. Aahana was really surprised seeing all this and thanked Riddhi for it only to learn that all this was Dev's idea and she had just helped him. Aahana was really stoked on receiving such love and warmth from her family. Well, she couldn't wait to eat the scrumptious spread and sat down filling her plate making sure not to leave out any item relishing it all. She was followed suite by the remaining members of her family. After having done justice to each and every item she thanked them all profusely for making her feel like a princess and they all hugged her.
The rest of the day was spent with family as Dev and Aahana had decided to go out for a romantic dinner date and a long drive after that. Aahana was really happy today though she wished that her parents were by her side but was happy with their wishes and thought what good deeds she might have done so as to get such loving families and a husband who treated her no less than a queen.
The day ended on a happy note and what made it more special was a long walk on the beach under the moonlight. After having enjoyed the night to its fullest they returned home. That night before sleeping Aahana shed tears of happiness before going to sleep.

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