{BAD... 1}

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Friday Night~

Alexis's POV:

The music was loud and party was pumping. These were the nights that you never forget from your young adult years. Drake boomed in the speakers, smoke filled the air, and everyone you spoke to smelled of alcohol.

It doesn't get any better than this.

"I told you we were going to have fun, Lex!" My boyfriend, Chris, said as he approached me. I nodded and smiled. "I know, I know! You were right!" I said.

I don't typically go to these types of parties, but the second I stepped through the door, the party girl in me stepped out.

Chris came up behind me and started grinding on me to the beat of the music. He held his weed laced with Percocet in one hand and placed his other on my hip. He took a hit and blew the smoke into the air. "Want to take a hit?" He asked. I shook my head. "Now you know I don't do that." I said.

He frowned. "Come on! You might like it. You're going to like it!" He said.

I sighed. "Chris..."

"You'll never know until you try it, babe."

"It's illegal!" I said. He looked around us at the party. "I don't see any police officers." He said. I still didn't say anything.

He held the joint up to my mouth. I didn't move away or tell him to stop.

"Breathe in." He instructed. I was incredibly apprehensive about it, but I inhaled anyway.

The smoke filled my lungs and swirled in my chest. I held it in there as I held back the coughs. The longer I held it, the more I began to relax.

I slowly released the smoke from my lungs and sent the beautiful white smoke into the air. I felt so relaxed.

"Maybe just one more hit." I said, reaching for his blunt. He chuckled. "See? I told you."

He handed it to me and I took another hit. My eyelids dropped slightly as the intense relaxation kicked in. Time moved slower, and I felt more free.

"After this party, we can go back to my place and smoke some more. I got a lot more in my bag." He said gesturing toward the back pack he was wearing.

I wrapped my arms around Chris's neck as we began to sway slowly to the fast beat of Future's latest song. Our moment was ruined once a man behind Chris interrupted us.

Chris turned around and his face instantly turned to horror.

"Where's my fucking money, man?" The man asked as he intimidated him. Chris backed away from him. "I'll get you your money, Mitch! Just back off me!"

"I need it now, bitch! All that weed your smoking is MINE until you pay me! He yelled. He snatched Chris's bag off his back.

"Give me my shit back!" Chris yelled. The man pushed Chris into a glass table and shattered it. Chris stood up and charged at him with all his might. They began punching and kicking each other in a full blown fight.

"STOP!" I screamed. I was worried for Chris. This guy was so much bigger than him, and Chris was getting beaten badly.

Chris reaches for his waistband and pulled out a gun. "I told yo' ass to leave me alone!" He screamed.

He pulled the trigger and Mitch fell to ground in a pool of blood.

He just killed him.

Everyone began screaming and running. I froze in panic.

Chris grabbed his bag and dropped his gun inside. He grabbed my hand and began dragging me along with him.

We ran out of the house and already heard sirens off in the distance. My mind was racing. So much had just occurred in a short amount of time.

The sirens grew louder and we could see the lights off in the distance. Chris dropped his bag and began running faster . I tried to keep up, but I couldn't run in heels! I tripped over the bag and twisted my ankle.

"Chris! Wait!" I called. Either he ignored me, or he couldn't hear me over the sirens. He didn't look back once to check for me.

In an instant, four police cars surrounded me. They all held me at gunpoint.

"STAY ON THE GROUND!" They ordered. I put my hands in the air in surrender. "I didn't do anything!" I cried.


An officer came over to me and roughly forced me into the cuffs. He yanked me up by my dress and threw me into the back of his police car.

"Officer, I'm innocent!" I pleaded. "YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!" He screamed at me again.

I slumped back in my seat and began to sob.

You know you shouldn't have gone tonight. Why did you let Chris convince you?

They began searching Chris's bag. They inspected every bag of weed, Percocet, and every other drug he had that I didn't know about.

"Possession of drugs." One officer said to another. He dug deeper into the bag and pulled out a gun. My heart stopped.

"Possession of a weapon. Now under suspicion of murder." He said.

"Officer! Let me explain!" I cried.

"You can do as much explaining to judge as your little coldblooded killing heart desires."


I was brought to police station. They took my mug shot and gave me my one call. I rushed to phone and dialed Christopher's number.

Ringing... Ringing... Ringing...

"Hello?" He answered uneasily.

"Chris! It's me, Alexis!"

He took a sigh of relief. "Where you at?"

"Im at the police station. They caught me with your bag and they locked me up!" I said.

"They caught you?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes! They did! Please come get me out of here!"

"How? They're going to question me and shit! I can't risk that, babe."

I was filled with rage. "So you're willing to let me, your girlfriend, suffer the consequences of what you did?" I asked with anger filling my voice.

He sighed. "I can't get locked up and you know that. I'd die in there. Do you know what they do to you in prison?" He said.

"Well what do you think is  going to happen to me?!"

"Just hang in there, okay?"

"Christopher! No!"

"I got to go."

He hung up the phone before I could scream at him.

The officers put me back in handcuffs and escorted me back to my holding cell.

I couldn't believe Chris was actually doing this to me.

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