{BAD... 38}

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Sunday Evening ~

Alexis's POV:

I shifted in my seat nervously. Michael and Michelle had been gone for a while. Everything in my head was screaming that they were doing something that they probably shouldn't.

How dare you Alexis? After five days with him and getting to know him you're going to accuse him of cheating? He told you he loves you. That's all you need to know.

But he was also drunk...

I shook those thoughts away. I decided to believe the best case scenario. I chose to believe that Alvaro was in there with them and Michelle got one last moment to see him before Michael killed him. Maybe he we being generous by giving her as much time to speak to him.

I just hoped I was right.

"Damn they been gone for a while now." Andre said to Carlos. He turned to me. "You might want to go check up on your man, girl. Although you might end up seeing something you didn't want to see."

I furrowed my brows at him. "Shut up!" I yelled. "Michael wouldn't do that after we've just come back from a romantic getaway. So I'm going to stay put because I trust him."

Andre gave me a look as if I'd just said the stupidest shit he'd ever heard.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He said as he turned away.

Andre is possibly a bigger asshole than Michael ever was.

But he doesn't seem like the type of guy that would just bullshit for shits and giggles.

I began nervously tapping my fingers on the counter. What if Andre actually was right?

I battled within myself between staying put, and going to check.

If I trust him, I shouldn't be so worried about walking in on something. So it wouldn't hurt to check.


"I'm going to the bathroom." I said. I stood up from the seat and began heading toward the bathrooms. I looped around to the back of the club and stopped in front of the office door.

I pressed my ear to the door to see if I could hear anything going on inside. The music was too loud to make out any sounds.

You have to just open it, Alexis.

My hand shook as I brought it to the doorknob. I hesitated before turning the knob. Just do it, damnit!

I swung the door open and instantly froze.

Michael had a topless Michelle pressed up against the wall. His face was buried in her neck. It took him a second to realize I was even standing there.

He gave me this blank, and terrified look. I just looked at him with a stone cold face.

I could've punched Michelle right then and there who just mocked me with her sinister smirk as she put her bra and shirt back on.

I felt myself choking up, but I didn't want him to see that.

"Really?" Was the only word I could muster up enough courage to say.


"Don't." I said abruptly. "I don't even care."

I wasn't even sad. I was angry. I was upset. I wanted to stab him. I wanted to go out in the club and flip all the tables. I wanted to destroy something.

I could've killed somebody.

"Come here. Le-let me explain." He said, slurring his words. He was pretty drunk, but that's no excuse.

He stepped closer to me but backed away. I bumped into someone and turned around.

Carlos and Andre stood there, holding the collar of a mans shirt. They both looked as if they'd just walked in on something they didn't expect to see, which is basically exactly what just happened.

"We found Alvaro." Carlos said.

Michael buried his expression of guilt and turned as stern faced as a drunk man could. "It's about damn time." He said as he struggled not to slur his words.

Andre and Carlos threw Alvaro in room and locked the door behind them. Alvaro looked tan as her just come back from his vacation.

He turned to Michelle and his face lit up. "Oh Michelle! Frank's daughter! So good to see you!" He exclaimed. He grabbed her hand and kissed it. She just looked at him with a blank stare and gave him no words.

"Alvaro, Alvaro, Alvaro." Michael said shaking his head. "What am I ever going to do with you?"

"What do you mean, boss?" He asked sheepishly.

"You go away on a vacation, leaving my club to fend for itself, and then you hide from me?" Michael said. "What do you have to hide?"

He shook his head. "Not a thing, man."

"Perfect. Well I do hope you hid my money so no one else got to it while I was locked up."

Alvaro broke into sweat. "You see, boss..."

Oh God, here we go.

Alexis's POV:

Michael shook his head. "You see, I know where this is going." He said as he took his gun out from his waistband. He set it on the desk for the fear factor like he always did.

"I'm not leaving here without my money, or a dead body. Your dead body. Now you aren't the first to use my money for your own personal affairs. But I pray you'll be the last."

"Mike, please don't kill me man! I don't have your money, but I can get it to you! I swear!"

I rolled my eyes. This was taking too long. I'm so over listening to people beg for their lives at the hands of this sick and twisted man who doesn't know what love means. I just wanted him to get this over with so we could go.

"And why shouldn't I kill you?" Michael asked.

Alvaro gulped. "Because... because-"

I groaned out loud. "Oh my fucking God! This is taking way too damn long!" I snatched the gun off of the desk. "It's simple. You don't have the money, so you have to die."

I cocked the gun and heard the bullet enter the chamber. I pointed to gun at Alvaro's head. His eyes widened in fear as I pulled the trigger.

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