{BAD... 44}

522 15 7

Wednesday Afternoon~

Alexis's POV:

I narrowed my eyes. Fiancée?

Before I could object, he knocked on the door. Shortly after, a man approached from the other side and opened it for us. He ushered us into his office.

This man was very well dressed. He looked like a top tier businessman.

"Hello." He greeted us formally with a handshake. He was so polite and professional. This isn't someone who I would expect to be buying twenty four ounces of cocaine.

"My name is Afonso." He introduced. "I know that you are Michael, and this is...?" He asked, gesturing toward me.

"Alexis. My fiancée." He said. That lie rolled off his tongue as if he'd practiced it a thousand times.

"My wife doesn't know I do this. If she was aware, she wouldn't be okay with it. If only my wife was life your soon to be." He said.

Michael wrapped his arm around me. "I got lucky with this catch."

The man sighed. "You two are such a fine couple. I would never expect you two to be selling such contraband."

"And we would never expect to be selling to someone like you to be quite honest." Michael answered with a laugh.

I pinched Michael's side, signaling for him to speed this up. It was never usually this long. It would be drugs, money, then out. This man was trying to have a whole conversation!

Michael took the hint instantly and jumped on it. "We're very busy people. As much of an honor it is to speak to you, we'll have to speed this up just a tad." He said.

Afonso nodded. "Oh, of course. I have your money right here."

He grabbed a stack of cash off of his shelf. He handed it to Michael, and Michael handed him the twenty four ounce bag of cocaine. We exchanged formal goodbyes and left.

This was the most formal drug transaction I'd ever been involved in.

"That was the biggest front I'd ever seen you pull." I said, sliding the fake ring off. "Why did I have to be your fiancée anyway?"

"Did you see that man?" He asked. "We had to match his status. You weren't going to be some random woman tagging along with me. That big shot would've thought I had unprofessional whores just all around me."

"Well you do. Sasha and Michelle."

He cocked his head to the side. "That's none of his business."

I rolled my eyes. "I can't with you."

We emerged from the hallway back into the crowd. This place was jumping with people all having the best time.

"This place is really nice." I said. "They even have an upstairs level!"

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it is, makes me want to tear down the Jackson elite and renovate the whole thing. I would love for it to look like this."

"We should come here sometime." I suggested. Michael looked at me. "Were here right now. Why don't we stick around for a bit?"

I smiled at him. "I like that idea."

He held out his hand for me to grab and I accepted it. He walked me over to the bar and ordered two drinks for us.

"These drinks are expensive as hell!" I remarked. "We just made three grand and we might spend it all on drinks tonight."

Michael shrugged as he took a sip of his expensive liquor. "I don't really care. For once, let's enjoy ourselves. Let's not worry about any bounties on our head, or the people out there that want us dead. For once we don't have anything to do. Let's just have fun. Because I can tell you, I haven't done that in a long while."

I smiled at him. "I'm down for that."

We clinked our glasses and took a sip of our drinks, making sure to to savor and enjoy every taste of it.

This shit was expensive. We had to.

Five shots later and we somehow ended up on the dance floor.

Everyone around us danced to the hispanic music playing throughout the building. I didn't know what the songs were saying, but that didn't stop the alcohol in me from trying to catch the lyrics and sing along.

I moved closer to Michael and rocked my hips to the music. He followed my movements in perfect rhythm.

Something about us two just always fit.

"It's been a while since I'd had this much fun." I said. Michael nodded. "It's rare you get to just enjoy living in a life like ours."

"We should do it more often." I said.

Michael smiled. "Whenever we can."

After about three more songs, my feet started to hurt. Dancing in heels was something I used to do very frequently, but I was way out of practice.

Michael walked me to a lounge area where I was able to sit down and rest my feet.

"I got carried away on that dance floor." I laughed. "I could tell." Michael said. He licked his lip. "I didn't know you could dance like that."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, here you go again. It's not even three in the morning this time."

"Hey, I'm just being honest. I was pleasantly surprised. Those hips don't lie." He said, still eyeing me up and down.

I felt hot. "Stop looking at me like that." I said, laughing nervously.

He bit his lip. "Why?"

I sighed. "Because we're partners remember? We aren't supposed to do this." I said.

"Do what?" He smiled.

I huffed loudly. "Oh my god." I said in frustration. "We've got a good thing going right now. You're willing to ruin this for that?"

"I didn't even imply that. You did." He said.

"Because you were throwing subliminal messages at me."

He raised a brow. "Even if I was, you aren't really dodging them. So it's safe to say that neither one of us is really against it then."

We let that resonate between us for a moment.

"You're right." I agreed.

He bit his lip. "I mean, we're adults. We can handle a little bump and grind and go back to our business."

I pushed my hair away from my face and looked seriously into his eyes. "If we do this, it's just for tonight. Whatever we do is our business."

He leaned forward and kissed me. "Deal."

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