{BAD... 50}

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Sunday Night~

Michael's POV:

I fucked up. Badly.

My head dropped into my hands.

"Both of you need to leave." I said calmly.

Michelle scoffed. "We didn't even get to finish our fun." She said.

My head shot up and I snapped. "You both need to get the fuck out! Both of you leave now, and never come back in this room again!"

I grabbed all their clothes and hurled them out the window. They both gasped and went out the room to go after them. I threw mine back on and flopped on my bed.

What the hell was I doing?

I loved this woman. I had go after her.

I couldn't let her get away again.

I rushed down the stairs, jumping the last five and ran out the door. The truck was still there, so I ran back and grabbed the keys. I hopped in the driver's seat and started the car. I sped off within seconds.

I noticed a banana and an orange on the side of the road. I looked ahead and saw a waddling woman dropping fruit not too far into the distance. I knew she couldn't have gotten far.

I pressed the accelerator to catch up to her and slowed to match her pace. She didn't even turn to acknowledge me. I roll down the passenger side window.


She didn't answer.

"Alexis look at me, dammit!"

She stopped and I stopped too. "What?" She replied without turning my way. "I said look at me."

She slowly turned her head my way with a blank stare. "Happy?"

"Not until you get into the car."

Without even considering it, she turned and  started walking away. I pressed the horn as hard as I could to startle her. It worked. She jumped and dropped all the fruit.


Alexis's POV:

Neither one of us said anything to each other on the car ride back. He pulled into the driveway and I waited for him to unlock the doors. When he didn't, I got irritated.

"Why did you go after me?" I asked.

"Where were you going?" He asked. "I don't know." I answered. "Just far away from you!"

I start pulling at the handle again but the car didn't open.

"I'm sorry."

I paused. He's said those words before. They meant nothing when they came from him. I turned his way and saw the most sincere look he could give.

Don't give in, Alexis. He's done this to you plenty times before, and your dumbass keeps falling for it.

"I mean it. What can I do to fix this?" He asked,  grabbing ahold of my hand

I sat back in the seat and thought to myself. "Oh I know what you can do." I said.

"Just say it and you've got it." He said.

"I want Michelle and Sasha gone." I said sternly. Michael sighed to himself and thought for a moment.

What is there for him to think about? Does he really want them around this much? Are they really worth all this?

"Consider it done." He finally said.


Monday Morning~

BAD {Michael Jackson}Where stories live. Discover now