{BAD... 26}

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Sunday Afternoon~

Alexis's POV:

I stepped out of the shower feeling fresh. After the night with Michael, I got pretty sticky and sweaty. A shower was much needed.

I grabbed some clothes from the closet and threw them over my body. They were comfortable shorts and a tank top. Wherever we were had a hot temperatures and I planned on enjoying the heat.

I made my way to the back patio and sat on a chair by the pool.

This was where it all started last night. I never would've thought I would want a relationship with this man. But here I am.

Maria came and sat down next to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Buenas tardes, bonita." She said with a smile. I smiled at her. "I don't know what that means, but you as well." I laughed.

She laughed too. "It means good afternoon."

I nodded. "Ah, right. It's been a while since I've had a Spanish lesson." I said.

"It's absolutely fine. You'll learn quickly here in Brazil. They speak Portuguese down here, which is similar to Spanish."

Ah, Brazil. That's where we are. We're just all over the place, aren't we?

"So I hear that you and Michael are together." She cooed. I blushed. "What's it to ya?"

She laughed. "I just find it interesting that you're with the man you labeled as sick and twisted." She said.

I sighed. "So do I."

"Well how do you feel? Are you happy?" She asked. I shrugged. "So far, yes. We'd only spent a night with each other. And I'm led to believe many more nights are to come."

Maria nodded. "I sure hope so. Andre doesn't think the same."

I raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

"He says that since Michael's never had a girlfriend, he doesn't know how to treat a woman longer than a single night. Especially someone as strong willed and fiery as you." She explained.

I shook my head. "He's already wrong. Michael treated me well this morning. I honestly don't care about what Andre has to say about our relationship. It's only the beginning. I'm sure we'll have ups and downs early on and for times to come, but I know that my strong will and Michael's adamancy will get us through it all."

Maria smiled. "Now that's the best way to look at it!"

I smiled. "I try to stay positive through all the shit, you know?"

She nodded. "I understand you, niña."

We both turned toward the house as we heard Michael, Andre, and Carlos returning.

I turned back to Maria. "That was quick. Whatever business he handled I'm almost positive ended in someone getting killed."

Maria cocked her head to the side. "That's Michael in a nutshell."

We both laughed.

Then it hit me. We found amusement in these illegal activities. It seemed as if the two girlfriends of the criminals were becoming just as sick and twisted.

At this point, I stopped caring. I liked it. I'm sure since she stuck with Carlos, she liked it too.

Michael's POV:

Sasha dragged me up the stairs and into my room. The bed was still a mess from Alexis and I last night.

Sasha pushed me onto the bed. "Don't move a muscle, baby boy." She said as she ran her fingers down my torso. She undid my belt and gripped her fingers around my waistband. She pulled down my pants just enough to free myself.

My gun fell out of my waistband and startled her as it hit the floor. It didn't startle her enough to stray her away from the task at hand.

It stood at attention right in front of her. She dropped as it throbbed in her hand. It'd been so long since either of us have been together. I could do without it and be just fine, but its nothing to turn away from.

She wrapped her lips around me and began bobbing her head up and down. Gagging noises echoed throughout the room. My hips bucked and I hissed through my teeth as she swirled her tongue around my tip.

Even though she can be a pain at times, she does put that mouth to great use. She enjoys it, and I sure as hell enjoy it.

Until the door swung open.

"What the fuck?"

Alexis stood in the doorway with a dumbfounded expression. Sasha stood up and wiped her mouth of her drool before pushing past Alexis and out of the door.

I pulled up my pants, still waiting for Alexis to say something.

"So you have nothing to say for yourself?" Alexis asked. I shrugged. "I was waiting for you to say something first."

She scoffed. "Oh boy, you do not want me to say anything to you right now!" She screamed. "How dare you? How dare you make me your girlfriend, treat me like you did last night and this morning, and then let me catch somebody else's lips on your dick! How the hell can you do this to me?"

Tears started to brim in her eyes. She was really upset. She could tell that I wasn't truly phased by her dramatic reaction.

"You don't even care?" She screamed as she shoved me backward. "Do you not see how awful this is? That's disloyalty! It hasn't even been a day, Michael! Andre was right. You clearly can't bare anything longer than a single night! You're a sick, twisted, demented, and disgusting person! I hate you!"

She stormed out of the room and I chased after her into the hallway. "Alexis can you calm down for a second so I can-"

She turned around to face me. "Calm down my ass!" She spat. "You think I want to hear your sorry ass excuse? I don't want to hear anything from you!"

She turned back around and stomped into her room. She slammed the door in my face.

"Oh my god." I mumbled in frustration. I tried the doorknob, but she'd already locked it.

Women have jealousy issues. Is it really that serious that I got a little bit of head from Sasha? Yet Alexis wants to throw a fit.

Clearly, I must've done something wrong. As dumb as it may sound, I'm not entirely sure what it is.

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