{BAD... 27}

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Tuesday Morning~

Alexis's POV:

"Alexis, it's been two days! Are you just never going to speak to me again?" Michael complained.

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of orange juice. If I could, I definitely would never speak a single word to this man ever again.

"Alexis talk to me." He pleaded. I glared at him before standing up and walking away. I was about to go up the stairs, but he blocked my path.

I huffed. He just wouldn't give up, would he?

"Just tell me what I did wrong. That's all I ask."

I couldn't believe he seriously sees no issue with what he did.

I squinted my eyes. "You really don't know?"

He paused for a moment as he thought. "I think I might have an idea."

I crossed my arms. "Let's hear it."

"Are you jealous that Sasha and I were in that room doing... you know?" He asked. I raised a brow. "Close. But it wasn't even just that. It's the fact that you cheated and you don't see any issue with that whatsoever."

He furrowed his brows in thought. "Cheating?" He repeated.

I nodded. "Yes, cheating. That's a problem. Im you're girlfriend. Not Sasha."

"But I put you first! It's not like I'd choose them over you." He said. "Besides, you didn't have a problem with them before. When we had sex in my office, I would still be with Sasha and Michelle every now and then."

I sighed. "Well, yeah. I wasn't your girlfriend then. Once you give a girl that title, she's the one and only. You've got to understand that. I don't know how you don't in the first place."

I pushed passed him and started up the stairs. He grabbed my arm to stop me. I tried to yank myself away but he wouldn't let go.

"You have to bare with me. I've never had a girlfriend before, or had a girl like you around before. The only examples of relationships I've ever seen were the examples my father set. My sick, twisted, and disgusting ways are embedded in me. I can't control it." He explained.

I sighed as I calmed down. That made sense. I don't even blame him. It's not his fault.

"I understand that, Michael, but I deserve better. Just because I understand your problem, doesn't mean I need to accept it. If you claim to be like your father who you despise, I want nothing to do with you. It was the actions of your father that killed your mother. If that is who you claim to be, we're over. I'm not dying for you anytime soon." I said.

Michael let go of my arm in defeat. It seemed he didn't know what else to say. I walked up the stairs and locked myself in my room.

I guess our twenty four hour relationship was nice while it lasted.

Michael's POV:

Andre was right. I seriously didn't know what the fuck I was doing when it came to relationships. I tried it for a day, and I didn't understand it.

Why don't I? I saw what cheating, and mistresses did to my mother, so why am I doing the same thing that hurt her?

Sadly, I can only follow the examples I know. Relationships will just never be my thing.

That shit isn't worth all that.

Carlos came into the kitchen with a surprised look on his face.

"Cmon man. Now you know that isn't okay in a relationship." He said.

I turned toward him. "You heard all of that?"

He nodded. "I did. And I can't believe you actually think that way."

I shook my head and sat down at the counter. "It's first nature. I go after what feels right at the time. That's what my father did."

"But relationships don't always feel so right."Carlos said.

I sighed. "I'm not the guy built for a relationship. It's just not how I'm wired."

Carlos furrowed his brows. "So you're going to let that girl go?"

I nodded. "I don't get it. She said that she deserves better, which is true."

"You can learn, man. Relationships are amazing if done right. I don't want you to miss out on that. Didn't you like how those twenty-four hours went?" Carlos asked.

I stayed quiet as I thought about his question. I did enjoy that night and half a day with Alexis. I only held her in my arms for a night, and for a moment in the morning.

I remembered that odd feeling of wanting to hold her there forever.

Maybe odd is the wrong word to use. That sentimental feeling is just unusual to me. As u unusual as it was, I liked it, and I wanted it.

Anybody who knew me knew that I always went after what I wanted, and I take it with force. No matter the cost or consequences.

I looked up at Carlos. "This is why I keep you around." I said.

He shrugged. "I knew that."

I stood from the counter and hurried up the stairs to Alexis's bedroom door.

Alexis's POV:

I occupied myself in my room by fiddling with the jewelry I had. I wasn't going to pout about Michael. He's clearly not worth my headspace.

I'm also clearly stupid. It's the stupidest thing I've ever let myself get into.

I let a sick and twisted man get a grasp on my heart in under two weeks, and I liked it. The Stockholm symptoms are crazy, aren't they?

Someone knocked on my door. "Alexis." Michael called from the other side. I scoffed and ignored him.

"I know you're in there. Open this damn door!"

"That's no way to speak to me, and you know that Michael." I answered.

He sighed. "Please open the door." He corrected. I smirked to myself. I had this man on a leash.

I complied and opened the door for him. He stood on the other side with his hands sheepishly in his pockets. I'd never thought I'd see a remotely submissive looking Michael.

"I messed up." He acknowledged. "It's the only way I know, and I see that it's wrong. I'm willing to change that if you're willing to work with me. Its unlike me, but I like what we had that day. I want that with you."

I could see the sincerity in his big brown eyes. That was definitely unlike his sick and twisted ways. I just couldn't believe that it was all for me.

Don't let your heart melt. Stone cold.

I cleared my throat. "You're going to have to prove to me that you're worth it. Because from I've seen, I'm not convinced."

"I know that. That's why I came up with this idea. You and I get away. Just us two. I'm more than willing to take a step out of my comfort zone and let you show me how a relationship is supposed to be. Only if you're down for it too." He said.

I raised my brow. Get away? Where the hell are criminals supposed to get away?

My head was screaming "no!"

But my heart wanted to give it a try. My heart was so stupid, but I listened anyway.

I took a deep breath. "This better not be a waste of time."

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