{BAD... 17}

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Friday Night~

Michael's POV:

"Where the hell were you?" Andre complained as I came back to him and Carlos. "Getting the stuff, man. Like I told you!" I said.

Carlos and Andre shared a look. "Where's Alexis?" Carlos asked. I glanced back at my office door. "In there." I answered.

"That's not smart." Andre said. "Leaving her all by herself after yesterday? What makes you think she wont run off again?"

I glanced at Andre and Carlos several times in silence. "Trust me. She ain't going no where." I said.

I stuck my hand in my pocket and tried to discreetly tuck myself away. I was still pretty hard, and I didn't want them to notice.

"Let's go." I said.

I walked past them and followed behind me without another word.


Alexis's POV:

I just had the best sex in my life, and a whole bottle of Ciroc to top it off.

My mood was beyond great. How I loved the things that this sick and twisted man did to me.

I felt so free flowing. I was on a high and couldn't come down. I swayed to the music from outside of his office. The words were all in Spanish, but the beat consumed me. I stood from the chair and danced around the room. I don't know if it was the Ciroc or the sex, but I was loving this feeling. I wanted to go out and dance!

I started toward the door and placed my hand on the doorknob.

He told you not to leave, Alexis. Stay like he told you to.

It's not like I'm running out of the club. I'm just going out on the dance floor.

I opened the door and walked back into the club. I salsa'd my way to the dance floor. There, in the middle of the dance floor, I danced alone. I didn't mind the eyes on me, or the fact that I probably looked like a nutcase. I just kept moving my hips.

Even the dancers on the stage stopped to watch me. "¡Ella es muy buena!" One of them said. I don't know what the fuck she said, but everyone shouted in agreement. By the looks on their faces, they looked pleased.

"¡Señora! Come up here and dance with us! ¡Ven!" One of the dancers said. I hurried to the stage and met with the dancers. They gestured toward a pole.

Oh, so they want me to dance dance?

I grabbed ahold of the pole and swung my body around it. The rest of dancers went to their poles and copied my moves. Everyone in the crowd loved it.

I was still on a high. I felt so sexy. I danced in a way that showed all my attributes. My tiny black dress matched with my chunky black heels were perfect for how I felt. I felt naughty.

It's insane what a dose of Michael can do to a woman.

Michael's POV:

He handed me the money and I counted the pesos. Three thousand one hundred sixty six. That's only worth about a hundred fifty in US dollars.

I nodded and handed the money to Andre. I dug in my pocket and pulled out the bags of weed. "Here." I said.

The mans eyes sparkled as he looked at the green. "I missed buying your products, Señor! Nothing would get me as stoned your stuff." He said.

I chuckled. "I got the best quality."

"You do, man. It's been four years since I've been that high. I'm not wasting any time. The second I get home, this'll all be gone." He said. "I'll be back soon."

I nodded. "I got what you need as long as you have my money."

The man stood and walked out of the room. Drug deal successful. It felt great to get back into making money.

"Let's go." I said. Andre and Carlos followed me out of the room.

"I'm going to go grab Alexis and go." I told them. Carlos opened his mouth to speak and pointed toward the dancers. I didn't care about those dancers, so I ignored him and turned around.

I opened my office door, fully expecting to see Alexis sitting there waiting for me like she planned. There was an empty bottle of Ciroc on my desk, but Alexis was nowhere to be seen.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. You've got to be kidding me.

I turned around and looked around the dance floor. I didn't spot her in the crowd with anyone.

She was dancing on the stage. Topless.

She wasn't supposed to be like that. That was some shit I'd expected Sasha or Michelle to be doing. Alexis was better than that.

I b-lined toward the stage where she swung around the pole just like those other dirty dancers. She hadn't noticed that I came up on the stage because she was so into the music.

I grabbed her by her wrist and yanked her away from the pole. She struggled against me, but I was way stronger than her. I walked her off the stage and into to my office.

"What's with you!" She drunkenly yelled. "Let me go!"

I let go of her wrist and got in her face. "I told you to stay in here!" I snapped. She waved me off. "I was just having fun." She said nonchalantly. She was completely out of it.

"I don't care what you were doing! I told you to stay here!" I said angrily. She giggled. "I'm here now. We can pick up where we left off."

She cupped my face and kissed my lips. The strong taste of Ciroc was all over my mouth.

I grabbed her chin and pulled her away from me. "You're so stubborn." I said. "I tell you to stay in my office, and you go out there and start dancing like a whore!"

She shoved me away from her. "You better not call me that shit again!" She screamed. I crossed my arms. "You better stop acting like one then!"

She narrowed her eyes. "Fuck you!" She screamed. "I'm sick of this shit!"

She began stumbling to the door. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me. Our faces were so close that our noses were touching.

"You ain't going no where." I said to her. She raised a brow. "Or am I?"

She grabbed the empty bottle of Ciroc and shattered it on my head. I yelled in pain and covered my head.

When I looked back up, the door was open and she was gone.

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