{BAD... 22}

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Saturday Night~

Alexis's POV:

I sat quietly waiting for Michael's explanation. It seemed to take him a while to gather his thoughts.

"Yes, I did kill Smiley's brother." He finally admitted. "I'm a drug dealer. As long as you have the money, I have what you need. He didn't have my money, and because we were good friends I let him slide for a while. He never paid me, so It had to be done. Smiley got his revenge by killing my sister."

I could see the hurt in Michael's eyes as he explained this. It was weird seeing someone like him actually care about something.

"If he did that, why does he still feel the need to avenge you?" I asked. Michael shrugged. "He won't move on." He said. "He got even with me, and won't let it go."

"Well, you did kill his brother. Have you moved on from your sister?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I never let myself feel it. I loved Janet more than anything. I knew if I let myself feel that, it would fuck me up. So I numbed myself and distanced myself from all of it." He said. He took a pause to sigh. "Much like my own father did."

I hesitated before continuing with my question. "What do you mean?"

"It's a long story."

I reached out and touched his hand. "We have time."

He looked at me with a sense of uneasiness. I knew he wasn't used to this kind of treatment. Someone listening to, and caring about him. For once, he didn't have to pull out a gun, scream, or run. I was just there to listen to him because for some unexplainable reason, I cared. He took a deep breath before he started.

"My father was a drug addict. All he ever did was smoke, drink, and shoot himself up. My mother wasn't like that at all, and I guess he got bored of her. He had three mistresses, but one that he favored. That one grew real jealous of my mom because she wanted him for herself. So she killed my mother. My father, like the coward he is, ran away after that happened, leaving me and Janet alone. I was about thirteen when that happened. Janet and I had no parents, or any other family members to turn to. So I had to find a way to make money and support us two. So I started selling drugs. I never wanted to because of what they did to my father, but I had no choice. I only did it to support Janet and myself. People really liked what I sold and they would come from all around the world to get my stuff. I started the clubs so I could easily traffic them internationally. That was when I got stuck. I knew I couldn't get out of it, and that killed me on the inside. That was the first time I rejected my feelings so I wouldn't break. I just focused on money. Money was what made me kill DJ, and money was what put my sister Janet in the ground. If I let myself feel that, I'll go crazy. I'll never forgive myself. Because of what I did, the last and only person on this earth that cared about me is dead."

I hadn't realized there were tears streaming down my face. I felt so sorry for him, but I was also shocked. He was vulnerable, which was a side of him I never seen before. I've only ever seen the sick, twisted, and demented side of him. After what he just revealed to me, do I even blame him?

"I- I had no idea." I said. He shook his head. "Nobody does."

"I'm the first person you've told?" I asked.

"Yes. Nobody really cares, Alexis. Nobody ever will." He said. I saw him snap out of his vulnerable side. "It was a waste of time explaining all this because I know you don't either."

He stood out of his seat and began walking away from me. I grabbed his wrist to stop him.

He turned around with an aggravated look on his face.

"I care, Michael." I said. "I care about you."

I stood up to meet him face to face. "For some weird, disgusting, unexplainable reason, I care. So much to the point it hurts me sometimes. It's the most conflicting feeling I've ever felt. You're a criminal. You're a murderer. You're bad. And I care about you."

His face softened, all while still giving me a look of disbelief. "Do you really?"

I stopped the words I was about to say. They all hitched in my throat. They kept piling up to the point of thinking I was going to vomit. So I let it out.

"I really do, Michael. It's so conflicting. Why do I care about you? Why do I trust you? Why do I find comfort in you? Why did I let myself get so attached to someone who doesn't give a damn about me?"

Michael turned to face me completely. "Alexis, I know that I may seem sick, twisted, heartless, whatever words you want to use. But somewhere deep down inside, in my own sick and twisted way, I care about you too."

This was so weird coming from him. But I was enjoying every bit of it.

He continued. "Why do you think I went chasing after you every time you left? It killed me inside knowing that you were somewhere else and not with me. I took you with us when we escaped because from the moment I saw you, I knew you didn't belong there. I brought you with every intention of protecting you."

I shook my head. "I don't need protection." I said. "But I want it from you. I want it from a sick and twisted man that I've grown this disgusting fondness for." I admitted. I couldn't explain why I'd just started crying. I was overwhelmed, and relieved at the same time.

I felt his strong arms wrap around me. I wrapped mine around his. I couldn't get over how weird this was coming from him.

He's a criminal.

He's a murderer.

He's bad.

And I love it.

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