{BAD... 2}

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Monday Morning~

Alexis's POV:

I sat in the courtroom quiet as a mouse. I had no lawyer to represent me.

I had to listen to these people testify against me. I listened to people who were at the party testify and swear it was me who pulled the trigger. I have no idea how you could've possibly mistaken six foot Chris for little five foot three Alexis.

Chris didn't even show up. The only people there were my mother and father.

I told him to come and testify for me since everyone thinks it's me. He claimed that he didn't want to come to the courtroom with all the witnesses and refresh their memories.

He's so damn selfish.

The last of the five witnesses that were there that night left the stand.

The judge cleared her throat.

"Members of the Jury, you have heard all the testimony concerning this case. It is now up to you to determine the facts. You, and you alone are the judges of the fact. Once you decide what facts the evident proves, you must then apply the law as I give it to you."

The jury discussed the case among themselves for a minute. Each passing second made me sick to my stomach. Every testifying witness was against me. They were all lies, despite the fact that they swore to tell the truth only the truth and nothing but the truth.

The judge waited a couple minutes before turning her attention back to the Jury.

"Have you reached a verdict?"

"We have, your honor." One of the jurors said. He cleared his throat.

"We the jury, in the case of The State of Florida versus Alexis Daldry, find the defendant guilty on all charges."

I could've screamed right then and there. But I held it together.

"Thank you, Jury, for your service today. Alexis Daldry, you have been found guilty of possession of drugs, and second degree murder. I sentence you to life without parole in the Florida County Prison ."

My mother let out a cry that was much louder than mine. No matter how much I pleaded with the judge, I was going to be in prison for the rest of my life for something I had no involvement in.

I couldn't lift my eyes from the ground to face anyone as I was escorted out of the courthouse.

I was put in the back of a van. It smelt like sweat and mildew. In the corner was a dark yellow liquid that smelled like rancid urine. The only thing I could think was "Get me the hell out of here!"

The officers must've read my mind because they chained me to the seat. These cuffs were awful right. I thought it was a bit much. Do they think I'm going to jump out of the window while the vehicle is in motion?

In this type of environment, I probably would start to consider it.

I took in the entirety of the small space I was in. This was truly my first taste of what prison was going to be like. The prison where I'm going to rot for the rest of my life.

How could Chris do this to me?

I didn't even touch the gun! Did they not check it for fingerprints? Or did they just take the flimsy evidence they had on me and run with it?

Whatever they did ended me here in the back of this rancid van. It might as well be a hearse.


After a forty-five minute ride in that van, fresh air was the most refreshing thing you could've given me aside from water. Before they led me into the prison, they cuffed my ankles as well.

I couldn't even comprehend the fear I was feeling as these officers escorted me to the facility. Just from the gates, I could hear loud bangs and screaming from inside. What the hell was happening?

Before I knew it, I was already inside being processed. Officer Dillman spoke to me about the rules of the prison, and what's expected of me. She seemed nice for someone who works with criminals everyday. She eased one out of the million nerves I had.

They took everything I had. My phone my hair peices, bracelets, necklaces, rings, everything.

They gave me an orange jumpsuit in return with my inmate number on the back. 182042.

"You have one phone call for two minutes, so I always tell new inmates to plan out what they're going to say beforehand." Officer Dillman said. "Even if it goes to voicemail, it's still permissible."

She handed me the landline off of the wall and I began dialing Chris's number.

He answered straight away.

"Hello? This is the state prison?" He said with much fear in his voice. "It is." I said. "Because Im incarcerated here motherfucker!" I screamed.

He sighed. "Alexis, I'm so sorry." He said.

"Sorry ain't enough, bitch! I'm here because of you!"

"Okay, did you just call me to scream at me?" He asked.

"Yes, I fucking did! This is all your fault-"

"I know! I know!" He cut me off. "Listen, I'll come to visit you every week, and I'll make sure you have money on your book, okay?"

I scowled. "That ain't enough for life without parole."

"Life?" He asked surprisedly. "Life indeed." I answered.

"Your two minutes it up, darling." Officer Dillman said. I groaned before slamming the phone back onto the hook.

Two more officers came into the room and began cuffing me all over. Do they realize I'm not a threat? Despite what my record may say, through common sense they couldn't tell?

"Let's go inmate 182042." The officer said. I groaned. "You didn't have to say the whole number." I mumbled under my breath.

"That's all you are here in the county prison. Nothing but a number. You'll get used to that fact of your new life fairly quick. And if you don't, your life sentence won't last as long as you think."

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