{BAD... 11}

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Thursday Night~

Alexis's POV:

The dark lights of the club reflected off of the sequins on my dress. My heels clicked as I followed close behind Michael. He made it seem imperative that I stay close by him tonight, so I followed his order and held onto his arm. He didn't tell me hold onto him. But when I grabbed on, he didn't stop me.

I was scared and unsure of what was happening. Standing by him gave me a sick and twisted sense of comfort.

He ignored everyone's greetings as we walked hastily through the club. Whatever business this is, must be serious.

We stopped before an unmarked door.

"This better not be a fucking scam." He said. He pulled out a key and unlocked the door. The door sung open and a flight of uneven wooden stairs were shown before us that led to pitch black darkness at the bottom.

"Let's go. He said. He started down the flight of stairs and I followed beside him slowly.

Uneven stairs, darkness, and heels aren't a safe mix.

The back of my heel got caught on a nail and I lost my footing. My life flashed before my eyes as I thought I was going to tumble down the thirty-something steps into darkness.

"Careful, now." Michael said as he held my waist, which stopped me from plummeting to my doom. I regained my balance and he grabbed my hand to support me. I held his hand the rest of the way down the stairs.

When we reached the bottom, he let go despite how much I wanted to hold on.

In dark, there was a faint light from a single lightbulb around the corner. Andre, Carlos, and Michael rounded the corner and began walking toward the faint light. I was too afraid to follow them, so I stayed put.

I looked around, trying to identify any shapes I could in the darkness. I couldn't see a thing.

My mind started to create images of humanoid figures in the dark. One with horns, one that was seven feet tall, and one that was coming toward me.

I closed my eyes, reminding myself it was just my imagination. That worked for me until I felt hands wrap around my waist and a bag over my head.

Michael's POV:

I rounded the corner and started toward the back room of the basement. The door was open and the light was on.

Nobody has access to that room.

I pulled out my gun and cocked it, ready to shoot. I'm taking a risk with this one. I just wanted to be prepared for anything that may happen.

I stepped through the doorway to meet whoever inside. Once I recognized the face sitting behind the desk, my blood boiled.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I snapped at Smiley. He laughed. "You got my letter, I see." He said. "It was a far fetched plan I'd came up with. I thought you were smart enough to pick up a scam when you saw one. But you also will do almost anything for your money."

I glanced at Carlos with an angry glare. "Shouldn't you be locked the fuck up?" I asked Smiley. He raised a brow. "Shouldn't you?" He replied.

"I escaped."

"So did I."

"And you followed me?"

Smiley laughed. "I wouldn't be here if I hadn't. You know it's not over between us. You killed DJ."

"You killed my fucking sister!" I snapped.

He shook his head. "Janet didn't mean as much to your family as DJ meant to ours. He was our everything. When you killed him, you stripped everything away from us. And I plan to do the same with you."

"What are you going do?" Kill me?" I mocked. He shook his head. "Not yet."

I chuckled. "This is some bullshit." I said. "I'm over this."

I raised the gun and pointed it at Smiley. "Say goodnight, Motherfucker."

I pulled the trigger. Carlos, Andre, and Smiley all flinched.


I pulled it one more time. Still nothing.

The gun jammed.

"Fuck." I mumbled. Smiley laughed. "See, I knew you'd try that." He said. "That's why I brought this."

He pulled out a golden pistol and cocked it back. He pointed the gun straight at me. I instantly ducked and covered my head as he fired the gun.

Bullets ricocheted off the walls as he fired more and more. Some grazed my skin, while one went right into my left bicep. I held in my screech of pain as I covered my wound with my hand.

Carlos, Andre, and I scrambled out the room while still staying down.

Once we were out of the room, the bullets stopped. We ran up the stairs back into the club. Everyone was oblivious to what just happened below them. I had to make sure they didn't see this shot wound so it would stay that way.

We hurried outside to the car. "Get in! Now!" I ordered.

I got in the car and locked the doors. I used my tie to apply pressure to, and cover the wound. I'd been shot many times before, so I know how to handle one.

The bleeding subsided and I started to feel under control again. Despite my arm, that had begun to lose a little feeling.

I started the car and began to look around before pulling off. I checked my rear view mirror. Something felt missing.

She wasn't there.

"Where's Alexis?"

Alexis's POV:

I was dragged into what seemed like a car. I couldn't tell where I was, or where I was going. The over my head bag blocked my vision and muffled my screams.

I was laid out in the backseat and the bag was finally removed from my head.

"Alexis!" Genesis exclaimed.

"What? How? What's going on?" I panicked. "We've saved you!" She said. I furrowed my brows. "Saved me?"


"From who?" I asked. She scoffed. "Michael, of course."


Yes, he's a dangerous man who kills people over money, but I'd never felt threatened by him.

In a weird way, he made me feel safer.

"I don't think I needed saving." I said. She rolled her eyes. "That's some Stockholm syndrome shit! You don't know what he's capable of." Genesis said.

I was taken aback by her tone. She's right. I don't know what he's truly capable of. He's not just bad, he's dangerous.

But every part of me is drawn to him.

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