{BAD... 58}

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Thursday Afternoon~

Michael's POV:

I ran through the prison facility until I reached the exit. Fortunately, I made it out unnoticed.

I had no weapon, no vehicle, no nothing.

There was only one thing to do.

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I swear I heard police sirens following me and that only made me run faster. I kept on running until I collapsed. I fell on something cold and metal.

Train tracks?

I heard a horn off in the distance and then saw blinding lights. I sprung off the tracks as fast as I could. As the train approached, an idea sprung on me.

I waited until it was within my reach and I grabbed one of the metal bars on the side. I side stepped my way into an open boxcar.

I climbed inside and noticed a homeless man in dirty clothes, a dead cat, and some news papers with my face on it. He must've recognized me because he looked terrified when he saw me.

"Please don't hurt me!" He begged.

I gave him a crazy look. "I wasn't going to."

He loosened up a tad. "Sorry for assuming. I was reading about you in the paper." He said.

I raised a brow. "What'd you read?" I asked. He gulped. "Uh... how you uhm..."

I cocked my head to side. "Murdered and robbed?" I asked.

He nodded. "Not that I think you're a bad person it's just—"

"I am bad person." I interrupted. "You don't have to lie."

The man nodded.

"What's your name?" I finally asked him.

"Ron." He replied. "You have a job, Ron?" I asked. I already knew the answer to that.

"No. I'm unemployed and homeless at the moment."

I smirked. "Want to help me out?" I offered. I never thought I'd ever be asking a homeless man for assistance.

His eyes widened. "As in crimes?"

I nodded. "That's all I do."
He thought it over for a second. "Ah, what the hell. I don't have anything to lose."


I talked to Ron the whole train ride. He told me about how he lost everything by getting into drugs. That's what drugs will do to you. They ruin your life.

I always kind of had some underlying guilt for selling drugs to people that would ultimately ruin their lives. But I needed the money.

His story was very tragic to listen to, but he still had it easy compared to me.

He told me the train was going somewhere in Arizona. "You headed anywhere specific?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I know my objective, I just don't know how to get where I need to be."

I told him about my escape, Alexis and Paris, and how I'd just escaped. I swore him to secrecy about my whereabouts.

Couldn't afford to get caught again.

"We're actually heading in the right direction." He told me. "I read in the paper that she's in the Arizona State Prison."

A glimmer of hope shot through me. Ron was actually really useful. He'd also be useful when the time came to break Alexis out.

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