{BAD... 57}

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Thursday Afternoon~

Michael's POV:

I suffered a shot wound to the chest and barely survived. If it was an inch closer to my heart. I would've died.

I was in the hospital for five days, handcuffed to the bed. They didn't want to risk any chance of me trying to run off.

Because that's exactly what I would have done if given the opportunity.

After being treated, I was discharged from the hospital

The interrogators tried to get a statement out of me. They soon learned that they never would. Did they really think I was going to snitch on myself?

It wasn't fair for them to pester me with questions without answering mine. They wouldn't tell me where Alexis or Paris was, or even if they were okay.

I didn't stop asking. It was all I could think about. They were so sick of me repeating these questions like a broken record they ended the interrogation.

I was back behind bars once again.

I was led down the long hallway of cells and placed back into my eight person cell. "So how does it feel to be back?" Officer Small teased as he locked my cell.

"Shut the fuck up." I hissed.

"You know, it was real quiet here without you. I kind of missed you." He continued. "But it was interesting watching the news and seeing you and you're girlfriend- Alexis I think her name is- go about causing chaos. I thought they'd never catch you guys! Guess I was wrong."

I rolled my eyes. "Leave me the fuck alone."

He finally got the message and went away.

I slumped on my metal bed. How the hell am I going to get back to Alexis?

I could imagine her being beyond worried right now. Her screams were the last thing I remembered before passing out after I was shot.

I wish she knew I wasn't dead. I wanted something to take some weight off of her shoulders. She had to know I was alive.

"Aw look at Mike! Right back where he started. You might as well get comfortable because they installed maximum security equipment on all of the cells. You ain't goin nowhere boy." One of my cell mates taunted.

"How the hell is Smiley not caught? Maybe he's the smarter one."

I wasn't having it. Especially now.

"Shut the hell up before I fucking smack you!" I threatened.

He faked a weary expression. "Oh no, guys! He's angry!" He said in jest.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Yes, I was gone for a year, but did they forget who I was? I ran this place. This was my house.

So I had to remind them.

I swung a wild punch at him, sending him to the ground.

After all that happened, I could release some anger.

I began kicking him in the face. This would teach him to never mock me again.

Everyone in the cell began yelling in hollering causing an entire ruckus. I didn't even care.

The cell door unlocked, but I still didn't stop.  My arms were taken ahold of and cold handcuffs were locked around my wrists.

"Cant even last a day in the slammer without causing trouble. That's all you do, Jackson." Officer Dillman said.

She brought me to the isolated cell area that I was so familiar with. She took my handcuffs off and threw me in the cell.

"You'll be in there for a while. This time I won't be a part of your slick escape plan." She laughed.

She locked the cell and walked away.

Being in this cell again brought back memories of first time I saw Alexis.


Three officers and a female inmate walked past the door. She instantly caught my attention.

I stood and walked to the door to get a better look as she walked by. She had long black hair, brown skin, and she had tattoos on her arms like me.

Considering the fact that I was on the men's side of the prison, I didn't get to see women a lot, aside from Officer Dillman. But this woman looked good.

I wondered what a good looking woman like her did to get in here. Prostitution maybe?

She stopped walking and looked my way. We locked eyes for a moment. That must've been too intense for her because she broke eye contact and looked me up and down. I did the same. I couldn't help my smirk. Not only was she pretty in the face, her whole body was just my type. It'd been so long since I'd seen a woman like this.

Officer Dillman nudged her forward. "Stop making googly eyes with him and keep it pushing." She ordered.

I read the number on the back of her jumpsuit. 182042. I took a mental note of that and made sure to remember it. Why? I don't really know. I just felt the need to.

I might see that girl walk on by sometime.


I smiled at the memory.

Even through all this shit of being ripped away from the two things I loved most in this world, the thought of Alexis brought a smile to my face.

I needed to get back to her. But the first step to that was getting the hell out of there.

But how?

I ran my fingers through my hair and long curly strands came out.

I didn't know how stressed I was. I lost everything already. I couldn't loose my hair!

I stared blankly at the hair strands tangled in my fingers before everything in the cell goes black. The whole prison lights went out.

For all the years I been locked up, I'd never seen a prison black out.

That meant all the electricity powered maximum security equipment was off. I checked to see if my cell was unlocked. The bars swung open and other inmates did the same as they realized they were free.  All hell broke loose and they started going crazy. If I stayed lowkey, I could get away unnoticed.

These bars can't hold me. I'm just too damn good.

I'd just keep escaping.

Alexis, I'm coming for you.

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