{BAD... 18}

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Friday Night~

Alexis's POV:

I ran through the door of Michael's office. I kicked my heels off and continued to run out of the club. I was getting the fuck out of there.

I reached the parking lot. I couldn't just go on foot or else he'd catch me. I didn't want to get caught. I had to think fast.

I scanned the parking lot for anything to get away with. I spotted a motorcycle at the far end of the parking lot. I sprinted over to it and sat on the seat.

I learned a thing or two about hijacking in my high school engineering class. I used my bobby pin to pick the lock of the engine circuit. The latched opened easily. I grabbed two wires and put them together. The engine revved. Perfect.

I took the helmet off of the handle. It smelled like sweat.

I grabbed ahold of the handles. I'd never ridden a motorcycle before, but I had to get away. I revved the engine and pulled away from the parking lot.

I can now add grand theft auto to my criminal record.

Michael's POV:

"Where did she go?" I asked as I ran out of my office.

"What did I tell you, man!" Carlos chastised me. "You insisted on taking her with us, and look what happened!"

I shook my head and ignored him. I took a step toward the door and my foot hit something. I looked down at the floor and noticed Alexis's heels on the floor.

"Just let it go, man. She's too much to handle. We're better off without her." Andre said. I threw my head back and took a deep breath.

"You're right." I admitted. "Let's get out of here."

I picked up the heels and walked out the front door.

That girl was something else. She was frustrating. Part of me liked that she would challenge me and not fall at my feet. She wasn't like Sasha and Michelle. That's why I couldn't handle her.

I'll never forgive myself.


Alexis's POV:

I stopped the motorcycle in front of Smiley's house on the beach. It was difficult to get there because I was so drunk. I sobered up a little on the way, but still felt out of it.

I ran to the door and began banging on it frantically.

"What the hell?" I heard Genesis say from the other side. She swung the door open, ready to curse me out. Once she realized it was me, she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"Alexis! You came back!" She exclaimed. I sighed. "I did."

Genesis cocked her head to the side. "I knew after being with us you'd realize how we saved you. Michael is a terrible terrible person. I'm glad you came back."

Yeah. A terrible terrible person with good dick.

I'm so corrupt. I can't believe I let myself do that with him. I'd fantasized about it for so long, and I loved every moment of it. Now that I think about it, I regret it.

I'll never forgive myself.

It doesn't matter that he has a perfectly shaped face, with perfectly defined curls to frame it. It doesn't matter that my mind has contorted itself to find comfort in his presence. The reality is he's a criminal. He's dangerous. He's bad.

I have to convince myself I don't like it.

"What did he do that made you run?" She asked. I sighed. "He called me a whore. Multiple times."

"Damn, that guy is an asshole." Genesis said. I nodded my head in agreement. "That he is."

She grabbed my hand. "Here, come with me. You have no shoes, and I can tell you've been drinking. Go upstairs and lay down in the first room. I'll get you some water." She said.

I listened to her and walked up the stairs. I flopped on the bed in the first room just like she said too. The second my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

Saturday Morning~


My head pounded and my stomach flipped as I transition from sleeping to consciousness.

I placed my palm on my forehead. "Ah shit." I said. Genesis handed me a glass of water. "Here." She said. "You fell asleep before I could give it to you last night."

I took the glass from her and took a sip. The cool water eased the growing nausea in my stomach.

I sat up in the bed and turned toward the window. The view of the ocean was beautiful. The light of the sun reflected off of the waves. The vibe of this place was much lighter than Michael's mansion.


I turned around and saw Smiley standing beside the bed. Genesis had left the room.

"You came back." He said. I nodded. "I did."

He smirked. "Couldn't stay away for long, could you?"

"Partially, yes." I answered. "But I had to get away from Michael."

"I don't blame you. After what he did to DJ, I hate his guts." He said.

"I hate him too." I agreed. Smiley leaned over me. "We have a lot in common, don't we?" He said.

I smiled. "More than we probably even realize."

He closed the distance between us and kissed me. At best, it was nice. I was off my high of Michael, and I was over all this kissing and sex shit.

I slowly pushed him away. "I'm still not feeling too well." I said. Smiley sighed. "That's fine. I didn't come in here for that anyway. I wanted to propose an idea to you."

I peeked up in curiosity. "Carry on."

"I never got revenge on Michael for what he did to my brother. Even after four years, I avenge him, and revenge is a dish best served cold. Are you willing to help me and be in on this revenge?" He asked.

I raised a brow. "What are you planning to do?" I asked.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bed. "You'll see."

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